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0 cases of primary liver cancer were treated by a total of times of intra-hepatic artery injection of myodil and anticancer drugs.
碘苯酯加抗癌药栓塞治疗 0例(次)原发性肝癌。

The biochemical basic of senile osteoporosis are serum T and urinous Ca / Cr. 肾虚与非肾虚划分的生化基础为T和尿钙 /肌酐 (Ca/Cr) ;
The number of rhizoid hairs of young plants more than mm in length increases with the rise of light intensity. 大于毫米的幼藻,假根毛的数量随光强的提高而增加。
The tractus olfactorius is shown in divergent double pairs. 嗅束分裂为二对,其形态可能为一种古老的情况。
Uniting out the conic curves equations, calculating out the value of A, B, C, D, E and F. 联立成二次曲线系方程,计算出二次曲线方程的A,B,C,D,E,F的值;
Weigert’s staining showed: A large number of blue fifiform ball microthrombi could be seen in TAA group, microthrombi in TAA+RH group significantly reduced (vs TAA group, p<0.0). Weigert氏染色显示:TAA组见大量蓝色丝团状微血栓,TAA+RH组微血栓数明显减少(P<0.0)。
0 cases of primary liver cancer were treated by a total of times of intra-hepatic artery injection of myodil and anticancer drugs. 碘苯酯加抗癌药栓塞治疗 0例(次)原发性肝癌。
0 days later, the turtles were blooded, and the phagocytic activity of the leucocytes, serum lysozyme activity, complement activity and disease resistance were monitored. 投喂 0 d后,从每组中各取0只中华鳖幼鳖采血,测定了中华鳖幼鳖血液中白细胞的吞噬活性、血清中溶菌酶和补体活性;
0 min after infusion, the amplitude of somato sensory evoked potential (SEP) increases by more than 0%. 体感诱发电位在灌注后 0min时 ,其幅度超过灌注前 0 % .
MSK SAW Tapped Delay Line 声表面波 位MSK抽头延迟线
cases ( .9%) had clouded shadows; 出现云雾状及磨玻璃状阴影 例( % ) ;
species are for young leaf and browse, 0 for stem, 0 for rhizome, 0 for flower and 8 for seed or fruit. 食用嫩叶或嫩茎叶类的物种有 种,茎类0种,地下根茎类0种,花类0种,果实种子类8种。

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