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Your purchasing power changes throughout the day as your total trade equity and margins change.

Your prying curiosity turns my stomach! Your compliments humiliate me! Your tea poisons me! I owe nothing to any one. I would be responsible to God alone – if He existed! 你们无休止的好奇心令我恶心!你们的奉承话使我感到耻辱!你们的茶快把我毒死了!我谁的也不欠,我只对上帝负责—只要他存在!”
Your pudding almost has the taste of ripe fruit. 你做的布丁有正好熟透的水果般的味道。
Your pulse is in charge of , connect into the withered bark , can not enter the generous gift that the world prepares for you again ----- Life, that one luxurious piece inside of it, a luxurious pronoun,there are flower 、 grass and Land of Peach Blossoms. 你的脉管,接进枯死的树皮,再也流不进世界为你准备的厚礼——生命,那是一个奢侈的代名词,它的内面,有花有草有世外桃源。
Your puppy's crate should be large enough for him to stand up, turn around and lie down and should have adequate ventilation. 狗狗的窝必须足够大,可以让狗狗在里面随意地站起来,转身,躺下而且通风良好。
Your purchased SMS Credits is lasted for one year. 你每次购买的短讯额有效期是一年。
Your purchasing power changes throughout the day as your total trade equity and margins change. 你的购买力在一天中会随着总的交易量和按金的变化而变化。
Your purchasing power represents funds available to you to establish new positions. 你的购买力就表明你拥有的资金去建立一个新的盘口。
Your qualification is not recognized in other countries. 你的资历在别国不予承认。
Your qualifications entitle you to a higher salary. 你的资格使你有权享有较高的薪水。
Your question is beyond the scope of this book. 你所问的问题已超出了这本书的范围。
Your questioning eyes are sad . They seek to know my meaning as the moon would fathom the sea. (你询问的眼睛是悲伤的。它想要探索我心里的意思,正如月亮要探测大海的深浅。

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