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Legibility research was published from the late nineteenth century on, but the overall finding has been that the reading process is remarkably robust, and that significant differences are hard to find.

Legendary ancestors once found it relatively easy to balance their feral instincts against their human wisdom, but no longer. 对神话中的先祖们来说保持野性本能和人类聪慧的平衡很简单,但是现在不是了。
Legendary inventor Thomas Alva Edison died on October 18, 1931, at the age of 84. 传奇发明家托马斯·爱迪生死1931.10.18,享年84岁。
Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of Chinese fiction. 摘要中篇传奇小说是中国小说发展史上的创举和破例。
Legends tend to arise spontaneously and are rarely traceable to asingle author or point of origin. 都是传说是很自然地产生,并且很难追踪到某个作者或某个来源点。
Legibility is usually measured through speed of reading, with comprehension scores used to check for effectiveness (ie, not a rushed or careless read). 易读性一般通过阅读速度来衡量,用阅读理解的得分来检验阅读效率。
Legibility research was published from the late nineteenth century on, but the overall finding has been that the reading process is remarkably robust, and that significant differences are hard to find. 虽然对易读性的研究在19世纪晚期就已经发布,但普遍的共识是:人的阅读过程惊人的强悍,以至于几乎没什么明显的区别。
Legibility/Readability: This refers to how easily shapes of letters can be distinguished usually refers to larger sizes while readability refers to how easily type can be read. 可辨认性/可读性:这涉及到该采取怎样的字母类型和字体大小以保证整个文本内容便于阅读。
Legible reproductions of the relevant spectra, chromatograms, thin-layer chromatogram (TLC) photographs or reproductions, and other appropriate instrumental recordings. 相关光谱图,色谱图,TLC照片及其它仪器输出的清晰复印件。
Legibly document orders when system is down and distribute food orders to kitchen. 当系统不能使用时,提供清晰的手写单并送到厨房。
Legionella pneumophila was not a common etiologic agent of pediatric pneumonia in Taiwan. 因此我们认爲退伍军人肺炎在台湾地区儿童肺炎中不常见。
Legions of veteran, upgraded, and brand-new unit types will do battle across the galaxy, as each faction struggles for survival. (接着翻译,好多生词!)很多的原有的被加强了,崭新的设备类型将越过银河作战,正如为生存而战的每个集团。

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