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Are you really my son Esau?he asked. I am,he replied.

Are you looking at the blackboard.Yes,I am. “你在看黑板了吗?”“是的,我在看。”
Are you looking for a jacket?is a closed question, and of course, it's designed to ferret out a yes or no. 您在找夹克?是一个闭合的问题,当然,它被设计成想得到是或否的结果。
Are you not as the sons of Ethiopia to Me, O sons of Israel? 摩9:7耶和华说、以色列人哪、我岂不看你们如古实人麽。
Are you now the head chef?the girl joked. “你是不是当伙头军啦?“女孩笑道。
Are you ready to order your dinner now?a waitress comes to ask. 一位女服务生过来问到:你们现在可以点菜了吗?
Are you really my son Esau?he asked. I am,he replied. 24又说,你真是我儿子以扫吗?他说,我是。
Are you sure dear? You have got to reign all afternoon, you know,she said, gently teasing(2) the monarch. 她柔声揶揄女王说:“亲爱的,你确定么?你下午还得在位呢,你知道的。”
Are you sure it was Anderson? Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. 你敢肯定那是安德森吗?当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。
Are you sure you are not chilly inquired the mother. 你肯定你不觉得冷吗母亲问道.
Are you sure? He burst forth. 他突然喊道:你拿得准吗?。
Are you talking to God, Will? (“在和上帝说话吗?”我问。)

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