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The reference dictionary is sorted phonetically, making a systematic collation algorithm that will follow the same order impossible.

The referee will not turn off the robot or restart its program. 裁判不得关闭机器人,或者重新启动其程序。
The referee won't fine you for stealing in this case. 这种情况下,裁判员不会判你犯规.
The referees are approved by national qualification. The official staffs are accreditation by main unit. 裁判员由已批准的国家裁判员担任、工作人员由主办单位统一委派。
The referees are human and also they make mistakes. 38轮联赛之后,冠军总是属于最好的球队。
The reference book for teaching will come out before long. 教学参考书不久就会出版了。
The reference dictionary is sorted phonetically, making a systematic collation algorithm that will follow the same order impossible. 参考词典是按语音顺序排列的,使得系统的排列算法无法按照相同的顺序实现。
The reference spectra was the signal obtained by coupling the two fibers with a splice bushing. 参考光谱是通过将两个纤维与一个接合套筒耦合后获得的信号。
The reference to the development and methodology of Jurisprudence will make up the lack of Jurisprudence in the theory of urban planning. 对法理学发展的理论和方法论的借鉴将弥补规划学在法学理论上的发展不足,并将城市规划法的理想价值取向同我国法律实践有效链接。
The referendum is in part designed to win votes for Mr Chen's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in presidential and legislative elections. 此次举行**,部分目的是为陈水扁率领的民进党在“总统选举”和“立法会选举”中拉票。
The referendum polarized France, with extremes of both the left and the right aligning in the no bloc and the center-right in the yes camp. 这次全民公决使得法国社会两极分化,极左和极右派归属于反对阵营,中间偏右属于赞成一方。
The referendum will be very close fought. 全民公决将会是一场彼此咬得很紧的斗争。

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