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But setting an arbitrary deadline of early 2008 for most of the soldiers to depart risks weakening America\'s bargaining power, intensifying instead of dampening the fighting and projecting an image of weakness that will embolden enemies everywhere.

But secretly you'd love to know what it's like, wouldn't you? 但是你心里偷偷地想知道那会是什么样的,不是吗?
But section 404 is being dealt with. 不过眼下,该节正得到改进。
But seeing the two winners on stage with the evening's African-American emcee (the often acid-tongued Whoopi Goldberg) on a night when Sidney Poitier was one of the honorary award winners, made quite a statement. 不过此次奥斯卡之夜,黑人双星荣登领奖台,非裔司仪(伶牙俐齿的黑人女影星乌比·戈德堡)担纲主持颁奖盛典,以及黑人演员西德尼·波蒂埃荣获奥斯卡荣誉奖,这一切都证明了黑人演员在电影界日益提升的地位。
But self-awareness is the first step to start changing. 但是有自知之明是改变的第一步。
But sensors must be exposed to the environmental conditions they monitor. 但是,感测器必须暴露在监测环境当中。
But setting an arbitrary deadline of early 2008 for most of the soldiers to depart risks weakening America\'s bargaining power, intensifying instead of dampening the fighting and projecting an image of weakness that will embolden enemies everywhere. 但是武断的设定2008年初为撤军最后期限会冒减弱美国讨价还价能力的风险,这将增强而不是抑制战斗,并且造成一种鼓励敌人的软弱形象。
But several days past and when I'm alone I recollect the horrible beheaded body which floats on the lake. 再过几天,一个人的时候不由得就想起那具水面上的无头尸,恐惧起来。
But several delegates reacted with something less than the usual enthusiasm to this idea; it was put on hold until a meeting of the party's central committee which is due to be held later this month. 但是一些代表对此提议的反应不如以往热情,这项提议将搁置到本月底召开的党派中央委员会。
But several studies have put this saying to the test and found it not to be true. 可是,有几项研究对这种说法进行了验证,却发现事实并非如此。
But several whipsaws shake out early shorts until price action finally violates the intraday low. 但是几次双重受损使得早先的卖空未成,直到价格走势最终打破当天低点。
But shall we stop eating for fear of choking? 但我们是否该因噎废食呢?

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