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A friend of mine took up bookbinding because his doctor ordered him to do something that would give him relaxation and activity without tension.

A friend of mine from Africa dropped by last week. I haven't seen him for ten years. 上星期我的一位非洲朋友意外来访,我已有10年没见到他了。
A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off) Do you curse? 我的一个朋友就把铁炼弄下来!你会怒骂吗?
A friend of mine refuses to go to a vapor bath, 我有个朋友始终不肯去洗蒸汽浴,
A friend of mine spent a week on an island off the Connecticut coast. 我的一位朋友,离开了康涅狄格海岸去一个岛上度过了一周。
A friend of mine told me that Apple computers are easier to use than PCs. 我的一位朋友告诉我苹果电脑比个人电脑好用.
A friend of mine took up bookbinding because his doctor ordered him to do something that would give him relaxation and activity without tension. 我有个朋友学了书本装订,因为医生告诫他做些什么以获得放松和运动。
A friend of mine was walking in the fields when he saw a commotion in the grass a few yards off. 一位朋友在野外赶路,看见几码远的草丛中发出骚动。
A friend of mine went last weekend and caught some good-sized fish. 我有一个朋友上个周末去钓鱼,钓了一些很大的鱼。
A friend of mine working in a foreign Corporation has a wonderful background ,who graduted for a university of Central Europe with a MBA degree.Every day,he works overtime all night till 9 pm ,just because American bosses like having conference calls duri 有一个在外企工作的朋友,背景很好,是中欧毕业的MBA,天天晚上加班到9点,因为美国老外喜欢那时候开电话会议呀!
A friend of mine, Jones by name, has the book. 我一位朋友叫做琼斯有这本书。
A friend of oursis coming soon. 我们的一个朋友马上就来。

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