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2 He made his reputation as a campaigner in the treatment of tuberculosis and the use of vaccines to prevent the disease in children.

2 Goods will be deemed to conform to the Contract despite minor discrepancies which are usual in the particular trade or through course of dealing between the parties but the Buyer will be entitled to any abatement of the price usual in the trade or throu 2尽管在特定的贸易或双方之间交易当中存在一些常见的细微差异,货物仍将视为与合同相符,但买方有权获得因这些细微差异在这种贸易或交易当中通常的价款减让。
2 HKSAR participates as an Associate Member in ESCAP. 香港特区以准成员身分参与亚太经社会的活动。
2 Have installed or leased an oil storage facility which has a capacity greater than the security stockpile prescribed in Article 24 herein. 二设置或租用符合第二十四条所定安全存量以上之储油设备。
2 Have you ever seen such a lovely sunshiny day, huntsman? 猎人,你可曾见过这么风和日丽的好天气吗?
2 He is making a poster people about the panda. 他正在做一幅海报人们有关熊猫。
2 He made his reputation as a campaigner in the treatment of tuberculosis and the use of vaccines to prevent the disease in children. 他在治疗结核病和使用疫苗来防止孩子染病方面作为发起人而声名鹊起。
2 Heatpreservation,sound insulation, energy saving, firmness, shock resistant. Energy-consumption for heating reduces by 40%, which is significative for building development. 保温、隔音、节能、坚固、抗震。采暖能耗降低40%,这对建筑开发是十分有意义的,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。
2 Held covered in case of deviation or change of voyage or any breach of warranty as to towage or salvage services, provided notice be given to the Underwriters immediately after receipt of advices and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium 万一发生绕航或航程变更或任何违反拖带或救助服务的保证,如果知悉后立即通知了保险人,且同意保险人提出的修改承保条款并支付保险人要求的任何附加保险费,本保险得续保。
2 His action was not disinterested because he hoped to make money out of the affair. 他这么做不是没私心的,因为他想从此事中捞些钱。
2 How dose betaine affect DNA-methyltransferase. 甜菜碱如何影响DNA甲基转移酶的活性.
2 How is your business going? 你生意做的怎么样?

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