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Mental illness may involve problems in operation of the brain.

Mental health experts group the global burden of the disease into two: There is the undefined burden which refers to the economic and social burden for families, communities and countries. 精神卫生专家将全球疾病负担分为两类。一种给家庭、社区和国家带来无形的经济和社会负担。
Mental illne may involve problems in operation of the brain. 精神病可能与大脑功能异常有关。
Mental illness can also worsen existing physical illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension. 精神疾病也可加重原有基础疾病如糖尿病和高血压。
Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world. 精神病能产生一种与现实世界脱离的感觉。
Mental illness is by its nature very complex. 精神病本身是一种非常复杂的疾病。
Mental illness may involve problems in operation of the brain. 精神病可能与大脑功能异常有关。
Mental illness, Freud said until his death in 1939, results when repression fails. 佛洛伊德在1939年去世以前,一直都认为精神病源自压抑的失败。
Mental patients released into the community are killing one person eery week, a report reeals today. 今天有报道称,在社区每天都有人被出院的精神病人杀害。
Mental stimulation, learning new things and simply thinking young also help. 智力上的刺激、学习新知识、保持年轻的心态同样也有益处。
Mental tension mainly appear in exams. 心理紧张主要出现在考试中。
Mentality Experiments: I would argue against experimenting too much, but the system could be made highly attacking by upping mentality by 2 across the board. 心态的实验:我不同意实验太多,但是这一套可以被设成高攻击性,即使只提高了2。

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