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Abstract: Basing on the retrospect and review of the relevant theory of “new economy”, this paper challenges some prevalent points and then brings forward an analysis frame.

Abstract: Based on water flow movement characteristics in film hole irrigation, a zero-inertia model form surface water flow movement in film hole irrigation were presented in this paper. 文摘:根据膜孔灌溉田面水流运动特性,建立了膜孔灌溉田面水流运动零惯性量数学模型,并将其与优化理论相结合,提出了确定膜孔灌溉田面综合糙率系数的优化模型。
Abstract: Based or the basic operating condition of road stimulation, this paper discusses the intensifying test technology and brings up the basic method and principle of intensifying test, it also gives the busic translating function of equiualent milea 文摘:该文从路面对车辆激励的最基本工况研究出发,对强化试验技术进行较深入的探讨,提出了强化试验的基本方法和思路及当量里程换算的基本公式,最后提出了开展车辆强化试验研究的一些初步设想。
Abstract: Basic problem in jacguard fabric design is discussed in this paper which is design graph choosing,color combinations and design texture.The important factors in designing jacguard fabric are put forward to catch at any time. 文摘:探讨纹织物设计中的纹样选择处理、配色技巧及织物肌理设计等基本问题,提出了设计纹织物时应把握的关键因素.
Abstract: Basing on nitroester migration theory in combustible cartridge case (CCC) during its long storage, the method of using indicator strip to determine extent of nitroester migration was suggested. 文摘:根据半可燃药筒在长期储存过程中硝酸酯的迁移原理,提出一种利用指示剂带检测硝酸酯迁移量的方法。
Abstract: Basing on the analysis of the basic situa tion i n the rural area in western Guangxi, and on the case study of Jiazhuan Xiang, B ama Yao Autonomous County, we proposes a development model which, with the advan tage of the local resources as the 文摘:通过对桂西乡镇基本情况的分析,并以巴马瑶族自治县甲篆乡为例,提出了立足本地优势资源,突出发展以观光农业、生态农业、特色农业为主的高效农业和旅游业的经济发展思路。
Abstract: Basing on the retrospect and review of the relevant theory of “new economy”, this paper challenges some prevalent points and then brings forward an analysis frame. 在对“新经济”相关理论进行回顾和综述的基础上,本文对一些主流观点提出了质疑,并进一步构建了一个尝试性的分析框架。
Abstract: Basis on the current Chinese international economic situation, this paper discusses the problems that exist in the process of prompting Chinese Electronic Commerce, and puts forward some mostly bottlenecks that exist in the Chinese Electronic Co 摘要:本文就我国电子商务发展的概况和特点,客观分析了现阶段在中国的电子商务发展过程中存在于技术、管理和安全等方面的一些问题,以及制约我国电子商务发展的几个主要瓶颈。
Abstract: Basis on the research on the enterprises in Shanghai logistics services convergent zone, the author analyzes their development status and puts forth the countermeasure and suggestions for their further development. 摘要:上海已建立了几个物流服务业集聚区,通过对区内企业的调查研究,分析了它们的发展状况,并对其进一步发展提出了对策建议。
Abstract: Because of hard ground surface characters of big bulk densities, bare surface and be disturbed easily,the hard ground surface has its laws about sediment yield. 文摘:硬地面由于具有容重大、地表完全裸露、易受人为干扰等特性,因而其产沙特性有其自身的规律。
Abstract: Because of natural environment of drought、wind and sand as well as saline and alkaline soil,etc.,the original ecological balance is destroyed meanwhile,vulnerable ecological environment and unique landscape pattern are formed under blind reclama 文摘:干旱区内陆河流域因其干旱、风沙及盐碱的自然环境,加之盲目开垦荒地、不合理利用水资源等人为因素的影响,改变了原有的生态平衡,形成了脆弱的生态环境和特殊的景观格局。
Abstract: Because of so much deficiency in traditional manage ment mode of gas station, A gas station automatization information management sy stem is developed. 文摘:传统的民航加油站管理方式存在进出油控制不准,不利于实时观测油位变化以及必须人工处理大量报表等一系列既不方便又不安全的因素。

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