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We need JERSEY VISCOSE 110gr/m2, solid color and printing color, width 57’’-58’’ and if you have other width advise us.

We need 1000 extras for the big scene when they cross the Red Sea. 我们需要1000名临时演员拍摄横渡红海的一场戏。
We need 2 music talents for our rock band. 为了我们的摇滚乐队,我们需要两位优秀的音乐人才。
We need 2 outstanding musicians for our rock band. 为了我们的摇滚乐队,我们需要两位优秀的音乐人才。
We need 20 minutes for fuel dumping before coming in for landing. 进入降落前,我们需要20分钟的时间来放油。
We need Carbon Fiber ,if you can supply ,please contact us. 寻找汽车碳刷的生产厂家,请有生产的厂家联系我们.
We need JERSEY VISCOSE 110gr/m2, solid color and printing color, width 57’’-58’’ and if you have other width advise us. 我们需要运动衫,110克/平方,纯色和印花色,宽度是57-58寸,假如你有好的建议的话,请告诉我们。
We need TAB and SHERAB (method and wisdom) to develop a sharp, alert mind. By remembering method and wisdom we will practice the path. 我们需要方便与智慧,去发展一颗敏锐、警惕的心。铭记住方便与智慧,我们将开始修持的道路。
We need a hookerback there. 我们需要一个 钩子在后面.
We need a baby-sitter and a cook. Can you do it? 我们需要一个带孩子兼做饭的。你做得来吗?
We need a balanced approach to trade with China. 在同中国的贸易关系方面,我们需要采取平衡的手段。
We need a big order this time, but it can't be a deal if you don't give me a discount. 这次我们想订一大批货,可是如果你不给我折扣的话,这笔生意几乎没有可能做成。

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