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The major reason for the occurring of nonconformance between cement and superplasticizer lies in the fact that large amount of superplasticizer is absorbed by hydrates.

The major products of our company includes ironing boards, clothes racks, mops, PVA sponges steps and so on. 主要产品有烫衣板,晾衣架,拖把,PVA胶棉等日常家居用品。
The major products of the company are honeycomb products, paper trays, composite materials non-fumigating trays, paper corner protector, etc. 公司主要产品为蜂窝制品、全纸型托盘、复合材料免薰蒸托盘、纸护角、包装木箱等。
The major products: Automatic Alarm security locks , Universal anti-theft locks , Motorcycle locks ,bicycle locks, Anti-theft lock chain , car stalls locks, Steering wheel locks , Carrying locks Core-insert door locks , the door Padlock ect. 主要系列产品有:自动报警防盗门锁,通用型防盗门锁,摩托车锁,电动车锁,链条防盗锁,汽车排挡锁,方向盘锁,执手门锁插芯锁头,门挂锁等。
The major purpose of this paper is, however, to conduct a multilevel investigation of sex ratio at birth using micro sample data from China 2000 population census and data of fertility policy at prefecture level. 在此基础上,本文应用非线性分层模型将2000年全国人口普查1‰数据和1999年的地区级生育政策数据结合起来对出生性别比失调的影响因素进行了初步分析。
The major purpose of this study was to explore the interaction effect of goal involvement and extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation. 摘要本研究之目的,探讨不同目标涉入受试者,在接受不同外在报酬时,对其内在动机的影响。
The major reason for the occurring of nonconformance between cement and superplasticizer lies in the fact that large amount of superplasticizer is absorbed by hydrates. 水泥与超塑化剂相适应性不好主要是水泥水化产物吸附大量的超塑化剂所致。
The major reason for this is the improvement in the recognition of literature, the development of Han literature and practice of royal advocacy of literature. 形成的原因主要有对“文”认识的提高,汉代文化事业的发达和皇族提倡文学的实践。
The major reason is wearand overtemperature. 多次发生四管泄漏的主要原因是磨损和超温。
The major reasons for impeller failure were interactive action of coarse microstructure and oxygen corrosion as well as erosion-corrosion. 结果表明,叶轮失效的主要原因是材料组织粗大以及氧腐蚀和冲蚀磨损交互作用的结果。
The major requirements of these joints are big mobility, high stiffness, small mass and compact structure space. 对这些关节的要求主要是:移动性大、刚度高、质量轻以及结构空间紧凑。
The major research interest covers a broad range of topics concerned with the fundamental properties of shallow-levels in semiconductors and with impurity related issues of importance to semiconductor physics and technology, e.g., single and multiple dono 主要研究方向涵括半导体物理与技术方面有关杂质之重要领域,例如施者与受者杂质、浅与深杂质、杂质能阶、杂质光谱、杂质与杂质或缺陷相互间之交互作用,以及复合杂质之形成与特性等。

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