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In 2005, Bi clinched the Best Buzz Asia from Korea at the MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2005.

In 2005 he was again named Interior Minister. 2005年,他再次被任命为内政部长。
In 2005 how many enterprises in China had carried out clean production evaluations (aiming at a circular economy to conserve resources and minimize waste)? 2005年,在中国有多少企业已经执行了清洁生产评估(以循环经济为目标,实行资源化、废弃物减量化生产)?
In 2005 provides the opening ceremony, the 6th session of Chinese international printing trade fair for the 95th session of China cultural item commodity exposition prints the store depot for the Beijing too level bridge to do installs the build, the 14th 2005年为第95届中国文化用品商品博览会提供开幕式、第6届中国国际印刷交易会为北京市太平桥印刷材料厂做特装搭建、第十四届北京国际广播电影电视设备展览会为北京七彩光环科技发展有限公司提供礼仪服务、第十二届国际广告新媒体、新技术、新设备、新材料展示交易会为北京科艺拓展数码有限公司做特装搭建、为第十二届亚太零售商大会暨中国国际商品博览会提供主场搭建以及开幕式礼仪服务、为第十五届全国发明展览会提供开幕式和闭幕式颁奖晚会、为第六届北京(CBD)国际商务节开幕式提供礼仪服务、为第三届观湖.国际商务车展开幕式提供礼仪
In 2005 the Italian ceramic tile industry maintained its double leadership role in the UniteStates in terms of imports and local production by Italian-owned companies inside the U.S. 去年,意大利瓷砖行业在美国维持了双重领导者的地位,无论是直接进口的意大利瓷砖还是意大利公司直接在美国生产的瓷砖。
In 2005 the snow was a violent night, I depressed at the bar alone, occasionally by other players on the three computer screens, D character animation effects are attracted, I solidarity with the fate of the Dance! 在2005年一个漫天飞雪的晚上,我在网吧独自郁闷,偶尔被其他玩家电脑屏幕上3D效果的人物动画所吸引了,因此我与劲舞团结缘了!
In 2005, Bi clinched the Best Buzz Asia from Korea at the MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2005. 2005年,?在2005日本MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼上获得亚洲最佳音乐奖,在台湾华语音乐颁奖典礼上获得2005最佳韩国歌手奖。
In 2005, Celanese Corporation generated sales of around US$ 6.1 billion and had about 9,300 employees. 2005年公司销售额为61亿美元,现在全球雇用员工约9,300人。
In 2005, China Apitherapy Society found the secret to beekeeper's longevity that beekeepers will experience casual apitherapy through being stung when they works. 2005年,中国蜂疗协会终于揭开了“养蜂人健康长寿之谜”,因为养蜂人在劳动时经常会被蜂蛰刺,不经意中接受了蜂疗这一种自然疗法。
In 2005, ConAgra agreed to pay $14 million to settle a lawsuit over fictitious sales and misreported earnings at United Agri Products that inflated ConAgra's earnings. 在2005年,康尼格拉公司就曾经同意支付1400万美元,以了结因虚构联合农业产品公司销售收入而产生的司法诉讼。
In 2005, EMG signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish state's public Israeli Electricity Company (IEC). EMG在2005年时还曾与一家名叫以色列电力公司(IEC)的上市企业签署过一项谅解备忘录。
In 2005, EPH will carry out the overall plans mapped out by State Grid Corporation and Central China Grid Company in an all-round way, follow the development target for a modernized company with strong power grid, excellent assets, service and performance 2005年,公司将全面落实国家电网公司和华中电网有限公司的总体部署,紧紧围绕“一强三优”现代公司发展目标和“三抓一创”工作思路,以“同业对标管理基础年”活动为主题,强化安全生产管理,强化内质外形建设,强化资产经营责任,正确处理改革、发展和稳定的关系、坚持以人为本,努力开拓创新,全面完成年度工作任务和“十五”发展计划目标,为河南经济发展和中原崛起作出新的贡献。

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