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The girls do the special dance to whomp up the crowd before the football game.

The girls call Chinese one of their favorites activities at school. Amy modestly said of her own Chinese proficiency: It's not bad, but not perfect. 女孩们称学习中文是在学校里最爱作的事。说到中文的流利程度时,艾米谦虚地说,“它还不坏,但也不能算很完美”。
The girls called out their names in turn. 那些女孩儿逐一报出自己的名字.
The girls chose their flowers, wreathed themselves, and danced in the twilight. 女孩子们挑选了花朵,用花环打扮自己,然后在黄昏时跳舞。
The girls cried at parting from their mother. 因为要和母亲分离,女孩们哭了起来。
The girls crowded around the film star. 女孩子们挤在这个电影明星周围。
The girls do the special dance to whomp up the crowd before the football game. 足球赛开始前,姑娘们跳起专门编排的舞蹈,以激发观众的情绪。
The girls eagerly sat down to eat breakfast as they were very hungry. 由于饥肠辘辘,女孩们迫不及待的坐下来吃早餐。
The girls had got on well together until the apple of discord in the person of a handsome young man arrived in their midst . 姑娘们一直相处很好,后来一个英俊的小伙子来到她们中间,引起了她们之间的不和。
The girls had got on well together until the apple of discord in the person of a handsome young man arrived in their midst. 姑娘们一直相处很好,后来一个英俊的小伙子来到她们中间,引起了她们之间的不和。
The girls had on skirts of all different colours. 女孩子们穿着各种颜色的裙子。
The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his. 女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。

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