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What attitude to the sea can a spoondrift have? What attitude can a grass-blade have to the earth, moon, sun and stars? All attitudes are egoistic and stupid.

What associations does the sea have for you? 你从大海能联想到什么?
What associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings? 在那临终前的几个小时里我们会产生哪些联想?
What assumptions about the viewer are implicit in the concept of flow? 在〈流程〉这一概念里,暗含了关于电视观众的哪些假设?
What astonished the archeologists is a one palm-sized stone genital found on the inner wall of a tomb with a small stone statue of Goddess below. 令考古学家惊讶的是,内墙上发现了一个手掌形状的石头生殖器,下面是一个小型的石头女神雕像。
What at first glance appears to be a frantic jumble is in fact a perfectly choreographed movement of 22 men, where the key is not grace and posture, but simply speed and accuracy. 砟一看似乎维修站中的场面混乱不堪,其实22个人的动作都是经过精心设计的,其中的关键并不是姿态的优美,而仅只是速度和准确度。
What attitude to the sea can a spoondrift have? What attitude can a grass-blade have to the earth, moon, sun and stars? All attitudes are egoistic and stupid. 海洋中的一朵浪花面对海洋能有什么样的态度呢?一片草叶对地球、月亮、太阳、星星又能有什么样的态度呢?所有的态度都是自我中心的,所有的态度都是愚蠢的。
What attitude toward the sea can a spoondrift have? What attitude can a grass-blade have toward the earth, moon, sun and stars? All attitudes are egoistic and stupid. 海洋中的一朵浪花面对海洋能有什么样的态度呢?一片草叶对地球、月亮、太阳、星星又能有什么样的态度呢?所有的态度都是自我中心的,所有的态度都是愚蠢的。
What attracts her is that, besides the functions of a common phone, this type of feature phone can also send short messages on line. 这款特色电话除了具有普通电话机的功能外,还能上网发送短消息,这一点让她深感兴趣。
What attracts you to come into starbucks? 你觉得星巴克有什么地方吸引您走进来?
What audiences do you hope will appreciate your film? 你希望你的电影能被哪种观众欣赏?
What authority Mr Abe can muster, it is suggested, will dwindle as defeat looms for his ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in next July's elections for the upper house. 这些说法暗示道,安倍麾下的自由民主党(LDP)将在明年七月份举行的上议院选举中失利,安倍的威信也将随之下降。

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