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In 1992 I visited a hill village in Nepal called Madan Pokhara where sprinkler systems supplied from small reservoirs irrigated the farms.

In 1991, he joined up with a Sierra Leonean rebel group, the Revolutionary United Front, and oversaw the invasion of Sierra Leone. 1991年,泰勒先生联手了塞拉利昂的叛军组织革命联合阵线,并亲自指挥了塞拉利昂侵略战。
In 1991, the Confucius Temple was elected the Forty Best Scenery Spots. 1991年被国家评为“中国旅游胜地四十佳”之一。
In 1991, the White House announced the start of Operation Desert Storm to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. 美国白宫宣布沙漠风暴行动要将伊拉克军赶出科威特。
In 1991, with the promulgation of a new University Charter, UEA was officially renamed the University of Macau, and this new public institution made the nurturing of local Macao talent its prime objective. 1991年新大学章程颁布,东亚大学正式转名为公立的澳门大学,并以培养澳门人才为目标。
In 1992 Adamas was granted a license to practice law by the Chinese Ministry of Justice, making it the first European law firm to achieve this status in China. 1992年,法国阿达姆斯律师事务所经中国司法部许可在中国设立代表处,成为第一家取得该资格的欧洲律师事务所。
In 1992 I visited a hill village in Nepal called Madan Pokhara where sprinkler systems supplied from small reservoirs irrigated the farms. 1992年,我造访了尼泊尔一个名为马丹波哈拉的山村,当地农民利用灑水系统,从一个储水槽接水灌溉农田。
In 1992 I wrote the Heart Sastra that I composed in Chinese calligraphy, and printed it for free distribution. 在1992年时,我以中国书法写了〈大悲心要〉并印制供免费流通。
In 1992 she volunteered to found the palliative care service at Yale, and within three months she was invited to join the faculty. 1992年,她自愿在耶鲁成立缓和医疗中心,之后不到三个月就受邀加入教职员行列。
In 1992, Aquino endorsed Ramos in the six-candidate race to succeed her. 1992年,阿基诺在有六名竞选人的总统竞选中授权他接任总统。
In 1992, Cangzhou was nominated as Hometown of Martial Arts by the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission. 1992年,沧州市被国家体委首批命名为“武术之乡”。
In 1992, Eastwood won the Best Director Oscar for his revisionist Western Unforgiven. 1992年,伊斯特伍德因其“反传统西部片”《不可饶恕》而赢得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖。

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