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The ovary wall remains fleshy after fertilization of the ovule except for the development of a thin outer skin.

The outstation of Shenzhen is the software developing department,the main job of it is developing OA series software,website building,and provide solutionabout web and software.The main product of it include:OA,net meeting(phone)system,website,applacation 深圳分部主要从事办公自动化系列软件开发、网站建设方案策划,已经开发完成的主要产品有政府城市光远网络服务中心(企业)办公自动化软件、网络视频会议(电话)系统等大型网络软件及其系列应用软件。
The outter packing should be stong enough for transportation, as to inner packing, it must be attractive and helpful to the sales. 外包装应当坚实牢固,适于运输,至于内包装必须能吸引人,且有助于销售。
The ova of earthworms are contained in cocoons. 蚯蚓的卵是包在茧里的。
The oval-shaped, sand-covered floor of the arena originally could be flooded for water spectacles. 直到公元608年,竞技场一直用于角斗和斗兽,中世纪时改成一个城堡。
The ovaries are somewhat smaller than in the preceding picture but have a similar tan-white bosselated appearance. 与上图相比,卵巢较小,而且呈现白褐色的圆凸状外观。
The ovary wall remains fleshy after fertilization of the ovule except for the development of a thin outer skin. 除了薄的外果皮的发育外,子房壁在胚珠受精后仍然保持肉质。
The ovation got even louder when Wang doffed his cap in appreciation, in a rare display of emotion. 当小民脱帽致意答谢时,满场的掌声甚至更加热烈。
The oven holds sufficient heat to fire up a fresh charge of coal. 炉里有足够的热量使新加进的煤燃烧起来。
The oven's 3th sense fuzzy logic feature take guesswork out of cooking by sensing the temperature of food items to establish precise cooking times. 电炉的第三模糊逻辑感应特性使得它能够感应食物的温度以确定准确的烹饪时间。
The over-bed type cart, however, can also be constructed by adding a spray-pipe to handle the daily watering operations effectively. 若将喷水系统附挂于跨植床搬运台车上,对于辅助每日之喷水作业有良好的效果。
The over-current relay works to protect oscillation tubes and rectifier, when the current exceeds its limits. Frequency deviation caused by faulty operation is also prevented. 当电流超过限制值时,过负荷电流继电器自动保护振荡管和整流器,同时可以避免由不当操作所引起的频率漂移。

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