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After ten years develop, our company base upon China mainland and set up the comprehensive global agent net, our main business developed from initial and simplex ocean container transport agent extend to international transport relative business and suppl

After technical innovation of No. 12 generator of Qingshan Power Plant, the combustion adjustment test was performed and it was demonstrated that operation condition of the generators was improved by using of horizontal concentrated powdered coal burner t 摘要湖北青山电厂12号炉进行技术改造后进行了相应的燃烧调整试验,试验证明水平浓缩煤粉燃烧器技术的应用改善了机组的运行状况。
After technical renovation the systems for gasification sewage and heat power ash effluent achieve closed-circuit circulation, so as to accomplish zero discharge of the gasification and heat power sewage. 摘要经技改后,造气污水、热电灰水系统实现了闭路循环,使造气、热电污水达到零排放。
After ten year of struggling, the singer finally make his mark. 经过10年的奋斗,这位歌手终于获得了成功。
After ten year, I at last decided to sign off and go into business by myself. 十年后,我终于决定退出该公司,自己去做生意。
After ten years as an ambassador, she is well versed in the arts of diplomacy. 她当了十年大使,已经非常精通外交艺术。
After ten years develop, our company base upon China mainland and set up the comprehensive global agent net, our main business developed from initial and simplex ocean container transport agent extend to international transport relative business and suppl 公司经过近十年的发展,立足中国大陆、建立全面的全球代理网络,主要业务由初期单一的远洋集装箱货物运输代理,广泛涉及到国际运输相关业务,并可针对国内、外资、合资企业的不同需求,提供完善的全程物流服务。
After ten years development, Chinese TV amusement programs also go to the odd circle of paramountcy of fun, pursuing pleasant sensation instead of aesthetics. 中国电视娱乐节目经过十余年的发展走进了“娱乐至上”的怪圈,对“快感”的追求替代了对“美感”的追求。
After ten years his alien speech was still noticeable. 十年后他的外交演说依旧值得注意。
After ten years of endless search for the missing treasure, they finally hit the jackpot. (十年不停的寻找后,他们终于交了好运找到失落的宝藏。)
After ten-years’ development, KSJ gloss meters have been widely used in measuring the gloss of paintwork, decorative materials, woodenwares, ceramic, printing ink, paper, as well as metallic-board and depositing coatings. 经过十多年的发展,科仕佳光泽度计已广泛应用于油漆涂料、建材饰面、竹木地板、油墨纸张、以及金属板材、电镀表面等光泽测量。
After termination, no changes are made in the club's records, so clubs seeking reinstatement need to submit a current membership list. 终止会籍之后,该扶轮社的纪录没有任何改变,因此该扶轮社企图恢复会籍时,要提出目前最新的社员名单。

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