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If the sector fighters do catch up to your ship as you are leaving you can take from a fraction of the normal damage of all fighters in the sector (as low as 0.01%) to as much as enough to destroy your ship (200% to 300%).

If the screen saver is running, you can see the progress of a task and review the computational activity of your computer. 如果屏幕保护程序正在运行,您可以方便的看到任务的计算进度并回顾您过去的计算情况。
If the script has no concept of upper/lower cases (which is almost the case for non-Latin scripts), rare characters may be put in the shift positions. 如果文字没有大小写的概念(对于非拉丁文字基本都如此),少见的字符可以放在上档键位上。
If the season continues in a similar vein could we see Webber struggling to keep his rival in check? 如果这个赛季像这样发展下去,那我们是否会看到韦伯在阻击自己对手的战斗中要苦苦挣扎了?
If the second user is standing in a null, there would be no interference, but if the interloper happens to be in the center of a lobe, the second signal may well block or distort the first. 这位用户若是待在无讯区,则不会造成干扰,但如果这位闯入者恰好位于波瓣中央,则第二个讯号就可能使第一个讯号受阻或失真。
If the secretary grasps his importance, he has a very strong negotiating position if you have the power to grant him a raise. 如果秘书领会到他的重要性,如果你有权授意为他加薪,那么他在谈判中就有非常强的地位。
If the sector fighters do catch up to your ship as you are leaving you can take from a fraction of the normal damage of all fighters in the sector (as low as 0.01%) to as much as enough to destroy your ship (200% to 300%). 当你逃离时,如果区域战斗机确实击中了你的飞船,你能采用的所有战斗机的正常损伤值区间为[0.01%,200%-300%],其中200%-300%足以摧毁你的飞船。
If the segment becomes lost, this is termed a deficiency or deletion; it is often fatal. 如果染色体丢失了一个片断,这种现象则叫做缺失,缺失通常是致死的。
If the selected node has no children, this property returns NULL. 如果选定的节点部包含子节点,那么这个属性将返回NULL[空值]。
If the selected node is not an element or attribute, this property always returns NULL. 如果已选节点不是一个元素或属性,那么该属性将总是返回NULL[空值]。
If the selected node is not an element or attribute, this property returns NULL. 如果已选节点不是一个元素或者属性,那么这个属性将返回NULL。
If the selected node is not an element, this property returns NULL. 如果选定的节点不是一个元素节点,那么该属性将返回NULL[空值]。

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