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In practice this means that sperm and egg are brought together in a Petri dish; the resulting embryos are grown in a laboratory and then transferred to the womb of the mother.

In practice it\r\nmay not be such a big deal, because what you usually want in practice\r\nis not necessarily the guarantee that someone accepts the color as red,\r\nbut the guarantee that the RGB value of the pixel being displayed is\r\nwithin a certain 当然在实际中,这未免小题大做,因为通常情况下,我们不是要保证某人认可该点的颜色是红色,而是要保证该像素显示颜色的RGB值落在了指定范围。
In practice the medical professional first links the resuscitation bag to the patient's intubation or tracheostomy, then squeezes the resuscitation bag, using both hands, in a slow motion to provide a slow inspiration speed, accompanied by mid-term interm 实际作法是医护人员将苏醒球连接在病人的气切口或气管内管的接口上,然后用手慢速挤压苏醒球,缓慢的吸气速度及中期暂止,再将苏醒球快速的放开。
In practice there are three methods of accomplishing this phase difference. 在实践中有三种方法来获得相位差。
In practice this mea that Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act permits under certain circumstances, the playing of radio and television music in public places (such as bars, sho , restaurants etc.) without the payment of a royalty fee. 在实践中,这意味着美国版权法110节第5段允许在一定情况下,在公众场所(例如酒吧、商店、饭店等)播放广播及电视中的音乐,不必交版权费。
In practice this means that Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act permits under certain circumstances, the playing of radio and television music in public places (such as bars, shops, restaurants etc.) without the payment of a royalty fee. 在实践中,这意味着美国版权法110节第5段允许在一定情况下,在公众场所(例如酒吧、商店、饭店等)播放广播及电视中的音乐,不必交版权费。
In practice this means that sperm and egg are brought together in a Petri dish; the resulting embryos are grown in a laboratory and then transferred to the womb of the mother. 它实际上是把精子和卵子一起放入一个有盖的培养皿中,并在实验室培养由此产生的晶胚,然后将其移入母体的子宫。
In practice this meant they had to be “divisible by nine” (because anything is easily divided by 40). 实际上就意味着,年利率必须能被9除尽(因为任何数都可以被40除尽。)
In practice, Americans want to know whether Japan would shoot down missiles overflying Japan: current constitutional interpretations seem to forbid it. 实际上,美国人希望了解日本是否会击落飞越其领空的导弹:目前的宪法解释似乎禁止日本这样做。
In practice, Beer's Law is accurate enough for a range of chromophores, solvents and concentrations, and is a widely used relationship in quantitative spectroscopy. 事实上,比尔定律对一系列发色团、溶剂和浓缩物品而言都是非常精确的定律,在定量光谱学中被广泛运用。
In practice, a business of any size must classify transactions by type for efficient handling. 在实际工作中,任何规模的企业必须依据类型对会计事项进行分类,以便有效地进行处理。
In practice, a rotor weighting about 10 tons and 3,000 r.p.m. may be so well balanced that the motion, except for sound, is only just perceptible. 实际上,一个重约10吨、3000转/分的转子可以平衡得非常好,以致于除了声音之外,免免强强觉察到它在运动。

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