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Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur require special condition that can be met only by the basic process.

Because the pressure inside a bubble matches that of the chamber where the magma formed, the bubble acts like a mini version of the chamber itself. 因为气泡内的压力等于岩浆形成处、也就是岩浆库的压力,因此,气泡可说是岩浆库的缩小版。
Because the presumption has the function of transferring the burden of proof, since the constitution of crime had the function of presumption, the burden of proof on some elements has transferred to the accused. 摘要由于推定具有转移证明责任的功能,因此,自犯罪构成推定功能产生之后,部分要件的证明责任转移给了被告人。
Because the processor is fast enough to perform this task many times a second, the array can continually readjust the radio beam as the cell-phone user walks or drives across the array's coverage area. 因为处理器的速度很快,可在一秒内执行多次工作,所以当行动电话用户在阵列涵盖範围内行走或开车时,阵列可不断重新调整无线电波束。
Because the radio waves hitting the north antenna are 180 degrees out of phase from the waves striking the south antenna, the processor can tell that the signal is coming from a direction parallel to the array. 因为南北两个阵列所接收到的讯号之间,存有180度的相位差,因此处理器可判断出,讯号是来自与阵列平行的方向。
Because the red ship is moving so fast, the beam does not appear to go straight up. 由于红色飞船正以极快的速度飞行,光线的行走不是垂直向上。
Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur require special condition that can be met only by the basic process. 因为除去钢中的磷和硫需要一些特殊的条件,这些条件只有碱性法才能满足。
Because the roles them play are themselves. 因为演戏的正是自己。
Because the ruthenium may be subject to photodegradation, the total exposure to the excitation energy should be minimized. 因为光降解影响钌,对激发能总的外露面积应当最小化。
Because the simple use of ROPE is less complex, you will find yourself attempting projection more often, even when you are tired - one of the best times to try - and cannot be bothered with anything complicated. 由于绳子技巧的简单运用并不复杂,你会发现自己试图更频繁地投射,甚至在你疲劳时——尝试的最佳时间之一——不受任何复杂的事情的打扰。
Because the skin excretes melanin, which will come out absorb the UV rays from sun and darken the skin, but the hair doesn't, it can only decompound melanin. 答案一,人体会在皮肤表面增加黑色素的沉积,阻挡阳光中的紫外线深入皮肤内层,但是头发没这本事,只会分解黑色素。
Because the skin is not completely waterproof, some evaporation of water from skin cells adds a little extra cooling. 由于皮肤并非完全防水,部分水从皮肤细胞蒸发,还能提高一点额外冷却效果。

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