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The pictures from the satellite lay bare the mysteries of deep space.

The pictures and images on computer screens are all digital images. 在电脑萤幕上看到的图片及影像,都是数位影像。
The pictures are just beautiful. 图片非常美丽。
The pictures are on the wall. 照片是在墙上的。
The pictures below are part of the snapshots of the desktop suite ,for more info please visit the website. 以下为部分的效果图和屏幕截图,更多相关图片请访问官方网站。
The pictures below is part of the snapshots of the desktop suite ,for more info please visit the website. 以下为部分的效果图和屏幕截图,更多相关图片请访问官方网站。
The pictures from the satellite lay bare the mysteries of deep space. 卫星发回的图片揭示了宇宙深处的奥秘。
The pictures gripped my imagination. 这些图画引起了我的想象。
The pictures in the gallery were well spaced out. 画廊里的画被适当地间隔开来。
The pictures may be in the shape of missiles, enemy spaceships or strange creatures. 这发光体形成导弹,敌方的宇宙飞船或稀奇古怪的动物。
The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. 面对飞机撞毁、熊熊大火、楼房倒塌等图片,我们无法相信眼前的惨状,感到无比的悲哀和愤怒。
The pictures of that historic footstep and everything else about that and subsequence Apollo moon landings, including flight data and astronaut health reading , were recorded on magnetic tape at three NASA ground tracking stations around the world. 那张具有历史意义的足迹照片和其他一切相关的,还有阿波罗号后来的登月活动包括飞行数据,宇航员的健康指标都被分布在全球的美国宇航局的三个地面追踪站记录在磁带上。

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