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Influence of Jiawei Sijunzi Decoction and Substance P on Movement of Isolated Duodenum of Rats with Spleen Deficiency Syndrome in Vitro;

Investigation pathogenesis of deficiency of qi and treatment of chronic prostatitis; 慢性前列腺炎气虚病机及相应治法探讨
Observation on Blood Pressure and Clinical Nursing for Haemodialysis Patients with Chronic Uremia; 慢性尿毒症患者血液透析中血压观察与护理
Analysis on laboratory examination for serum of eight materials in patients with chronicity phosphorus poisoning; 慢性磷中毒患者血清中8种物质检测分析
Diagnosis and treatment for Hürthle cell tumor of thyroid gland:a report of 15 cases; 甲状腺Hürthle细胞肿瘤15例诊治分析
Experimental study on wastewater of egg powder treatment using immobilized activated sludge with chitin supporter; 甲壳素为载体固定化活性污泥处理蛋粉废水的研究
Influence of Jiawei Sijunzi Decoction and Substance P on Movement of Isolated Duodenum of Rats with Spleen Deficiency Syndrome in Vitro; 加味四君子汤及P物质对脾虚证大鼠离体十二指肠活动变化的影响
Study on Controlling Ustilaginoidea virens with Several Fungicides; 几种杀菌剂对水稻稻曲病的防治研究
The influence of spinal cord injury on bone metabolism and bone mass density in rats; 脊髓损伤后大鼠骨代谢和骨密度变化
Microsurgery in treatment of intramedullary spinal cord gliomas; 脊髓髓内胶质瘤的显微外科治疗
Exploration on the Relationship between Pathogenesis for Yin-deficiency of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Immediate Prognosis as well as Its Mechanism; 急性心肌梗死阴虚病机与短期预后关系及机理探讨
DSA and Treatment of Serious Arterial Hemorrhage by Interventional Therapy; 急性出血性疾病的数字减影血管造影和介入治疗

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