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This is due to genetic deficiency of the adrenocortical enzyme which normally converts that substrate to a nonandrogenic steroid in the biosynthesis of cortisol.

This is doomed to be a smokeless battle. Years compose the forever love; the knights convert to be the ancient memory, twisted, infatuated your aroma. 这注定是一场无烟的战斗,用岁月刻写爱情的永恒,心中的骑士化作亘古的回忆,缠绕着,迷恋你的芳香。
This is down to Lazio President Claudio Lotito's tenacity and Behrami's desire to stay in the capital. 这得感谢主席洛蒂托的坚持不懈以及贝赫拉米本人对留在首都的渴望。”
This is due largely to the intensity of competition among the 19, coupled with the inexperience of most local authorities both in making decisions and in dealing with the outside world. 这主要是因为这19个区域的激烈竞争,再加上大多数地方当局在制定决策和处理对外事务方面缺乏经验。
This is due to a new consumption phenomenon that has emerged in Zhuhai, that is, more consumers chose tea restaurants in villages and the suburbs, as a result it shared a part of the consumption in big restaurants. 这是由于珠海出现一种新的消费倾向,就是到农庄、郊区茶庄消费比较多,把大酒家的消费分摊了一部分。
This is due to an increase in forest cover in the rich world. 这应当归功于在发达国家的森林覆盖率。
This is due to genetic deficiency of the adrenocortical enzyme which normally converts that substrate to a nonandrogenic steroid in the biosynthesis of cortisol. 这是由于在皮质醇生物合成中将底质转变为非产生男性特征类固醇的肾上腺皮质酶遗传缺陷所致。
This is due to growing a variety of crops intensively in their small holdings for fulfilling home needs and insulating risk against complete failure due to aberrant weather and/or pest/disease attack. 这是因为在其有限耕地上集约种植某些作物以满足家庭需要和降低气候不良和病虫危害造成绝产的风险。
This is due to skyrocketing medical costs and the high cost of health insurance. 这缘于飞涨的药品价格及高额的医疗保险。
This is due to the Spotlight tool from Mac? 这是由于聚光灯工具从雨衣?
This is due to the complex combination of being able to measure performance in jobs, i.e: an employees output and quality of work, relative to implementing and maintaining a bonus and commission strategy. 其中原因就是衡量业绩的各种指标之复杂,比如,员工的产出、工作质量、及其他各种和奖金提成制度相关的指标。
This is due to the fact that quantum mechanics and chemistry have well defined limitations, while the processes underlying new energies clearly go beyond these limitations. 这是由于这样的事实,即量子力学和化学有很好定义的局限性,新型能源基于的处理过程则显然越出了这些局限性之外。

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