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It can be also used to make engineering ceramics and superior refractory products.

It can be a setback, but its your job to take care of it and get the job done. 坏事可能会成为好事,你有责任认真处理此事。
It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the 部分地可以由政府直接招雇,象战时紧急状况那样,同时通过雇用这些人员来完成急需的工程,从而促进和改组我们自然资源的利用。
It can be added into normal temperature water (normal temperature 25℃) or warm water (40-50℃), mixing when adding to avoid local over-heat causing damage of container. 使用方法:根据不同用途,配制各种浓度的溶液,配制时将其加入常温水(室温25℃)或温水(40-50℃)中,边加边搅拌,以防局部过热,损伤容器。
It can be adopted with programmable controller to materialize auto monitoring production procedure, embossment roller temperature, production speed and so on. 采用可编程控制器自动控制生产程序、压辊温度、生产速度等技术参数。
It can be also rated under less pressure condition if it is put in vacuum. 若将滚筒干燥机设置在真空器中,则可在减压条件下运行。
It can be also used to make engineering ceramics and superior refractory products. 可做研磨抛光材料,还可以做精密铸造型砂、喷涂材料、化工触媒载体、特种陶瓷、高级耐火材料等。
It can be amusing to run from file explorer and watch the shortcut appear. 在文件管理器中运行并观察快捷方式的产生可能会很有趣。
It can be anyone who contributes to the world in a way that you admire. 他可以是任何一个以你崇拜的方式给世界作贡献的人。
It can be applied to deal with the measured data of spatial straightness obtained by three coordinate measuring machines (CMM). 可用于二坐标测量机等测量系统的空间直线度误差测量的数据处理。
It can be applied to refine all kinds of edible oil(In accordance with the standard of cook oil to refine,such as de-fat,deglue,de-colour and de-odour). 该机可按国家高级烹调油标准进行脱胶、脱酸、脱色、脱臭,适用于各种油脂的精炼加工。
It can be applied to the temporal relationship between different plants. 它也可以应用在不同植物之间的时间关系。

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