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Zhao Weimin, minister of PKU Department of Publicity, Professor Li Chengyan, Sectary of CPC Committee of School of Government, and other leaders presented the opening ceremony and awarded Certificates to the Specially-employed Student Reporters.

Zhao Shaohua, ACWF Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat, talks cordially with Svetlana Orlova. 全国妇联副主席、书记处书记赵少华(右二)和奥尔洛娃副主席亲切交谈。
Zhao Shiyan is a Tujia national thinker, but he does not put himself into the Tujia national context only, and he is a Marxist theorist that has global and modern view. 摘要赵世炎是一名土家族籍的思想家,但他并不只是把自己置身于土家族一个民族的语境中,他是一个具有全球性现代性视野的马克思主义理论家。
Zhao Shuli's particular folk position not only utilizes the popular way to begin the literary modernistic enlightenment on the political ideology from upper classto lower class, hot also refers to his standing on folk position to declare his opinions on n 摘要赵树理特殊的民间立场,不仅在于其利用通俗手法将政治意识形态进行“上”对“下”的文学现代性启蒙,也指他站在民间立场,代表并不拥有话语权的农民,从“下”而“上”对国家意识形态发表意见。
Zhao Wei: I have heard that you took a very active part in the Silicon Valley boom. 赵巍:我听说在硅谷鼎盛时期你曾相当活跃地参与其中。
Zhao Wei: I think Hazardous Waste Management (HWM) is a new concept for most of the Chinese people. So how do you think it relates to our life? 赵巍:我想对于大多数中国人来说,有害废弃物管理是一个新的概念,您认为它与我们的生活有何联系呢?
Zhao Weimin, minister of PKU Department of Publicity, Professor Li Chengyan, Sectary of CPC Committee of School of Government, and other leaders presented the opening ceremony and awarded Certificates to the Specially-employed Student Reporters. 北大党委宣传部部长赵为民教授、北京大学政府管理学院党委书记李成言教授、宣传部副部长孙占龙、政府管理学院副书记李海燕等领导出席,并为特聘记者们颁发了聘书。
Zhao Wen, the board chairman, as the core, a group of leaders with high thinking consciousness, powerful business ability and effective working style, have gathered round. 以董事长赵稳为核心,聚集了一批思想觉悟高,业务本领强,工作作风实的领导骨干,组成了一个讲团结,懂经营,会管理的集体指挥力量。
Zhao Yanan was born in Hebei, China. 赵亚南,男,河北省,石家庄人。
Zhao Yanliang was born in Shanghai city in 1946. 赵彦良,一九四六年生,上海市人。
Zhao Ying, et al. Effects of Fructus Ligustri Lucidi on the lipid peroxide content in mice brain, liver and the effects on liver SOD activity. China Pharmaceutical Journal 1990; (6):47. 赵瑛,等?女贞子对小鼠脑、肝过氧化脂质含量及对肝SOD活性的影响?中国药学报1990;(6):47。
Zhao Yingying, an athlete from China is in the pole vault competition in the 4th East Asia Games held in the Macau stadium, Nov. 2, 2005. 2005年11月2日,在澳门体育场,中国队011号选手赵莹莹在比赛中奋力一跳。

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