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All U.S. citizens are nationals of the United States.Dept.

All Summer long, he took care to weed the garden and water the plants. 整个夏天,蓝熊都仔细的照看着他的花园和西红柿。
All That Is is so much a part of its creations that it is almost impossible to separate the creator form its creations,for each creation also carries indelibly within it the characteristics of its source. 一切全有是如此地成为其受造物的一部分以致几乎不可能将创造者从其受造物中分离,因为每一个创造也不可消灭地在其自身携带着其来源的特性。”
All Tibetans, male and female, carry knives. 所有的藏人不分男性女性都携带刀具。
All Tina had to do was to wear a short skirt, and men were falling all over her. 蒂娜所必须做的是穿上短裙,男人们会拜倒在她的脚下。
All Trains from London to “Surrey Stations” came from Waterloo Station or Victoria Station. 想找1991年去帕丁顿站的火车路线图相当困难,而这,也许可能正是小说作者希望的效果。
All U.S. citizens are nationals of the United States.Dept. 全体美国公民均为美国国民。」
All VIP cardholders are entitled to additional discount for promotional items as indicated on the display plaque on the sales counters. 促销期间在商品折扣的基础上可再享受一定优惠,具体规则以柜台标示为准。
All Watts Flow Measurement Devices of this type are supplied with a permanent metal flow characteristic curve which should be affixed to one of the pressure taps on the device using the chain, also supplied. 这种类型的所有美国瓦茨流量测量装置还配置永久性金属流量特性曲线,记录在压力标签上,用链条附加在装置上。
All Wood Elves are archers of unparalleled skill, but other martial disciplines can also be found amongst their warriors. 所有森林精灵都是技术精湛的弓箭手,但其它的军事素养也能在他们的战斗中体现。
All Your garments are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; Out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made You glad. 诗45:8你的衣服、都有没药沉香肉桂的香气.象牙宫中有丝弦乐器的声音、使你欢喜。
All a cone can do is count the photons it absorbs; it cannot distinguish one wavelength from another. 锥细胞唯一能做的事,就是细数吸收到的光子数目,它是无法分辨两种不同波长的。

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