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Abstract: The relationship between milling time of SC formulation processing with particle size and size distribution in suspension was described by studying the relationship of SC stability with particle size and size distribution.

Abstract: The recent theory and design method of the magnetoelectric induction sensor in bearing field is introduced.The author provides two sensors' main technical performances and a new measurement method of the bearing and other wide frequency spectrum 文摘:主要介绍了国内外近些年在轴承行业开发的轴承振动测量中应用的磁电感应式传感器的原理与设计方法,并介绍了二套传感器的主要技术指标,对轴承及其它宽频谱低振幅振动量的测试提供了一套新的测试手段。
Abstract: The relapse of orthodontically rotated teeth can be a serious problem in occlusal stability after orth-odontic treatment. 文摘:扭转牙的复发是正畸临床治疗后牙稳定性的难题之一。
Abstract: The relation between the place,size,shape and number of hot spots in casting and the changes of factors such as geometry factor,physics factor,technics factor in the casting and mould system and the systematic characteristic of hot spot are stud 文摘:采用计算机凝固数值模拟技术,研究铸件热节的位置、大小、形状和数量,在凝固过程中根据铸件—铸型系统内几何因素、物理因素、工艺因素等各因素的变化关系,揭示热节的系统性;讨论了冒口与热节的位置关系。
Abstract: The relations between prestressed reinforcements in two directions and the total balance loading of unbonded prestressed dual concrete slabs are established in the present paper based on the analysis of projects, in which the structural cost is 文摘:本文在对无粘结预应力双向板两个方向平衡荷载分配方案分析的基础上,建立了以两个方向预应力筋面积与总平衡荷载的关系式,在满足极限状态、正常使用极限状态和构造要求的条件下,使结构的造价达到最佳。
Abstract: The relationship between milling technology and using properties in yak hair sweater were studied in this paper.Based on the experiment,the size shrinkage,strength,warmth retention property and elasticity of elongation of eighteen different samp 文摘:研究了牦牛绒衫的缩绒工艺与其服用性能的关系.测试了经不同缩绒工艺处理后的18块小样的面积缩率、顶破强力、保暖率和拉伸弹性恢复率等指标.统计分析了缩绒工艺参数间关系,得到了一些规律.
Abstract: The relationship between milling time of SC formulation processing with particle size and size distribution in suspension was described by studying the relationship of SC stability with particle size and size distribution. 文摘:通过颗粒粒径和粒谱对悬浮剂贮存物理稳定性影响研究,明确了悬浮剂剂型加工中研磨时间与制剂悬浮颗粒粒径和粒谱分布的关系。
Abstract: The relationship between seam quality and some fundamental factors is discussed, especially the importance of reasonable and machine needle to sewing thread to increase seam quality. 文摘:探讨了影响服装缝纫质量的一些基本因素,并重点分析了设备状态及缝料、机针与缝线的合理配伍对提高缝纫质量的重要意义.
Abstract: The reliability and validity of the “ Adaptability Test for Safe Drive ” were emphatically ? 文摘:重点对“安全驾驶适应性测验”的信度和效度进行了研究和检验。
Abstract: The reliable design of high temperature strength of welded components is of significant importance in assuring the structural integrity of pressure vessels and pip at elevated temperature. 文摘:焊接构件的高温强度的可靠设计对保证高温压力容器及管道的结构完整性具有十分重要的意义。
Abstract: The remaining life of speciment is dependent upon loading history, under two level cyclic loading. 文摘:两级循环加载条件下,材料的剩余寿命强烈地依赖于加载历史。
Abstract: The research of equipment on airplane need ground test equipment which have maturity functions. 文摘:机载电子设备的研制和开发,需要功能完备的地面检测设备。

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