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I had begun my involvement in the planning of this mission as a graduate student, and I would have to wait until the middle of my scientific career to see its culmination: the first prolonged exploration of the Saturnian system.

I had been taking tap-dancing lessons for six months, and the school was giving its yearly recital. 那时,我已经学了6个月的踢踏舞,学校打算举行年度的实习公演。
I had been there little more than a week when I set to work in earnest. 我到那儿还不超过一个星期就开始认真干起活来。
I had been touring with a lively metaphysical group for almost three weeks through the temple sites of Egypt and Greece. 我已经用差不多三个星期随同一个真实的超自然的团体通过埃及和希腊的寺庙位置游览参观。
I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell . 已经告诉我她还没好不要去看她.
I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell. 已经告诉我她还没好不要去看她.
I had begun my involvement in the planning of this mission as a graduate student, and I would have to wait until the middle of my scientific career to see its culmination: the first prolonged exploration of the Saturnian system. 我从当研究生时就开始参与设计这项任务,却一直等到科学生涯过了一半,才看到首次长期探索火星任务的实现。
I had better begin by introducing myself. 我最好先做一下自我介绍。
I had better get an umbrella. 我最好带把伞。
I had better hit the road if I'm to be back home before dark. 如果我要天黑前到家,我最好现在就动身。
I had bough her a small tree, and we were going to decorate it that night. 我给她买了一棵小树,打算晚上再装饰。
I had bread and cheese for lunch, washed down with beer. 我午餐吃的是面包和奶酪,喝的是啤酒。

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