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Based on the relationship between forest fire and weather conditions, many kinds of forest fire danger weather indexes are developed to estimate and predict the possibility of ignition, fire intensity and spread, as well as the difficulty of wildfires con

Based on the regional strategic and introductory development planning in urban areas, this paper discusses the idea of regional rail transit planning from three aspects, including the concept of planning layers of regional rail transit, the concept of syn 摘要结合都市圈的区域发展战略规划和引导性发展规划,从三个方面提出了都市圈地区轨道交通系统规划的理念,即:都市圈地区轨道交通的分层次规划理念,综合轨道交通网的联合规划理念,地区轨道交通和公路网的一体化规划理念。
Based on the related data from 1989 to 2005, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the impact of foreign banks' entry into Chinese banking by the econometrical method. 摘要本文通过选取1989-2005年的相关数据,运用计量经济学方法实证研究了外资银行进入对我国银行业产业绩效的影响。
Based on the relation and flow chart of land investment risk, the risk intensity of land investment is computed, in order to achieve an objective, effective and scientific dynamic management of land investment risk. 可以根据土地投资风险关系和流程图,计算出各阶段的土地投资风险强度,达到对土地投资风险客观、高效、科学的动态管理。
Based on the relation of permeability with geo-sress, depth, cranny, reservoir stress, hydrogeology which is analyzed by former, it is pointed out that the most important and extensive factors are geo-stress and depth. 摘要在前人分析渗透率与地应力、埋深、裂隙、储层压力和水文地质条件等相互关系的基础上,指出影响煤储层渗透率最普遍和主要的因素是地应力和埋深。
Based on the relationship among recovery, well spacing density and injection-to-production-well ratio given by Reference [1], inte-grated with other methods such as economic evaluation and injection-production balance analysis, etc., this paper proposes a 依据文献[1]中提出的采收率与井网密度和注采井数比的关系,并结合经济评价和注采平衡分析等方法,提出了一种新的确定水驱油田合理井网密度和合理注采井数比的方法。
Based on the relationship between forest fire and weather conditions, many kinds of forest fire danger weather indexes are developed to estimate and predict the possibility of ignition, fire intensity and spread, as well as the difficulty of wildfires con 为实现对林区起火可能性大小、火灾强度、火灾蔓延速度以及火灾扑救难易程度进行评估和预测,国内外专家学者利用森林火灾与气象条件之间的关系研制了诸多森林火险气象指数的构建方法。
Based on the relationship between real and estimated values of the stator flux linkage, the compensatory formulas of the estimated flux linkage and its principle block diagram were presented. 这种方法在采用低通滤波器代替纯积分环节的基础上,根据定子磁链的实际值与估计值之间的关系,推导出估计磁链的补偿公式,给出了原理框图,并对观测结果进行了仿真比较。
Based on the relationship between the population and economic development, this thesis refers to the demographic analysis on affecting the development of circular economy and indicates that adapting the population development to the economy can result in 本文以人口与经济发展的关系为基础,对影响循环经济发展的人口因素进行分析,指出控制人口数量,提高人口素质,优化人口结构,加快人口城市化进程,使人口发展与经济发展相适应,才能促进循环经济发展,最终实现可持续发展的目标。
Based on the relationship between the resistance coefficient and gas Reynolds number, a new equation used for the calculation of the pressure drop was derived. 对实验结果进行回归得到了阻力系数与气相雷诺数的关系,并提出了新的气相压降计算模型。
Based on the relationships between rights and interests,this paper discusses the user,author,government and manufacturer concerned in the problems of the copyrights of the document information databases from the point of views of law and economics,which g 根据权利之间的利益平衡关系,即平衡原则,文章从法学和经济学的观点出发,探讨了文献信息数据库著作权问题中所涉及的用户、著作者、开发者、政府的关系,为文献信息数据库著作权中所涉及主体利益平衡问题的和谐解决提供了线索。
Based on the relative position between the missile and the target at any given point in flight, the computer autopilot sends commands to the control surfaces to adjust the missile's course. 根据在给定时刻导弹和目标之间的相对位置,自动驾驶仪中的计算机发送指令到控制面,调整导弹的运动状态。

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