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When this experiment with the application of the public authority blurred vision, loss of the reality of the present situation is obvious, as a writer theme wanton desire performances are doomed to a longer and quiet.

When this becomes quite obvious the family often undertakes to reduce him in status in various ways. 父母发现这一情况后,经常会采取各种方式降低这个男孩在女孩心目中的地位。
When this begins to cause a problem with handling and socializing, you will know it is time to consider having the animal geld if it is not to be used for breeding. 当这开始对操纵以及马群造成问题的时候,你应该明白是时候考虑是否要阉割公马如果不做培育的话。
When this buildup and clogging occur, serious motor damage may result due to overheating and premature insulation failure. 当这些淤积和堵塞发生,可能会因为过热和绝缘老化导致电机严重损坏。
When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card effect, add 1 Six Samuraimonster from your Graveyard to your hand. 当这张卡被对手的卡的效果破坏时,从你的墓地加入一只名字带有“六武众”的怪兽到手卡。
When this data was gathered and analyzed, the organization learned that the cost of training teachers varied greatly by locality. 当这些数据整合并分析后,组织发现培训教师的成本因地方的不同而有很大的区别。
When this experiment with the application of the public authority blurred vision, loss of the reality of the present situation is obvious, as a writer theme wanton desire performances are doomed to a longer and quiet. 当这种实验与狂欢模糊了公共权力的视野,失却了对现实境遇的本真显现,成为作家主观欲望的肆意表演,则注定会走向失语与沉寂。
When this family first moved to the town, the mother told her children not to go outdoors after dark. 6这家人刚搬到这个镇子上来的时候,那位母亲叫孩子们天黑以后不要外出。
When this feedback current arrives, it increases the voltage further, which in turn recruits more feedback current and causes additional amplification. 返回的回馈电流会让电压升得更高,因此又会使回馈电流变得更大,造成更大的放大作用。
When this function is called, the system sends the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING and WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED messages to the window. 估计和这个有点关系,谁有经验,但是我必须要在鼠标移动的时候设置窗体怎么办呢?
When this happens, a shock wave hits the earth and may break windows or cause ceilings to crack. 当声爆发生时,冲击波击打地面,可能震破窗户或造成顶棚破裂。
When this happens, most of the atom cloud finds itself trapped in the chip's magnetic field. 这麽做之后,大多数的原子云就会被捕捉到晶片的磁场里。

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