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public bidding

【经】 投标

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英文: 4 For merger and acquisition of SOEs in Heilongjiang province, the land shall be open to public bidding and the investors shall acquire the rights for land use through transfers, leasing, assignment and shareholding.

中文: 投资者并购、控股省内国有企业,其用地主要采取挂牌方式,通过市场转让或租赁,也可作价入股。        更详细...
英文: According to the request of town planning, we help the investors to transact the concerned enrollment, register, inviting public bidding and bidding.

中文: 对符合条件的客商,按照城建规划的要求,优先办理有关的企业注册登记、招投标等手续。        更详细...
英文: Among them there are 1 item of national 863 project, 4 items of sub-project,2 items of national natural science fund, 6 items of national science-technology key program, 1item of Agricultural department public bidding , 4 items of agricultural achievement

中文: 其中,国家863专题1项、子项目4项;国家自然科学基金2项;国家科技攻关6项;农业部招标项目1项;科技部农业成果转化项目4项;教育部优秀青年教师资助项目1项;省部级20余项。        更详细...
英文: CAMCE, a qualified, A class company, for international contract, its business scope is covering:contracts of various projects abroad and domestic international public bidding projects; export of equipment and materials necessary for the overseas projects;

中文: 中工国际具有A级对外承包资格,其经营范围是:承包各类境外工程及境内工程招标工程;上述境外工程所需的设备,材料出口;对外派遣工程、生产、设计及技术服务的劳务人员;经营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务,国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外;经营进料加工和“三来一补”业务;经营对销贸易和转口贸易。        更详细...
英文: I was responsible for the public bidding of equipment, the business negotiation and to draft out contract, to do the procedure for equipment import.

中文: 参与赛轮子午线轮胎厂新公司筹备工作,负责设备的招标,商务谈判及外事合同的编制,办理设备进出口手续。        更详细...

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