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*[gɒ:z]\nn. 薄纱, 纱布, 金属网\n【医】 纱布

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英文: A thorough evaluation requires good illumination, a tongue blade, gloves, and a gauze pad. A dental or laryngeal mirror, if available, is helpful.

中文: 全面的评估需要良好的照明,压舌板,手套和纱布垫.口镜或咽喉镜有助于口腔检查.        更详细...
英文: And I feel like holding a cup of green heated black tea, viewing the shade of silver gauze dancing with wind tenderly out of the window; enjoy listening to the wonderful sound of the accumulative rain drops from eaves knocking on ground; and love to breat

中文: 喜欢捧一杯热热的、泛绿的香茶,看窗外一帘接一帘的银纱,轻轻地随风起舞;喜欢用心聆听屋檐上积攒良久的雨水,淅淅沥沥敲打地面的天籁之音;喜欢迎着微微的凉风,深深地吸气,清新的气息,溢满心胸。        更详细...
英文: “Jinhao”brand window curtain developed the new and initiate patent in China.It is multi-functional product,such as, automatic gauze portiere and window curtain, flexible window screen and tele-control folding window curtain are all manufactured by SHANDON

中文: 山东临沂金浩自动纱门窗厂(深圳研发中心)自行开发研制生产的——“金浩”牌多功能自动纱门窗、随意贴纱窗、折叠纱窗、遥控卷帘,均属国内首创独具特色的新型专利产品。        更详细...
英文: (DOsage and Administration)Before use clean trouble place, will taste thin thin wipe in on dressing ( such as medical gauze ), apply cover in trouble place, fix , wrap.

中文: 使用前清洁患处,将本品薄薄抹在敷料(如医用纱布)上,敷盖于患处,固定,包扎。        更详细...
英文: After exposing hip joint, drill hole between femoral head and neck with .mm aiguille. Get rid of 0% cancellus of femoral head with little curette. Put a piece of gauze which dipped in 9% alcohol into the hole and keep 0min.

中文: 手术均取动物左髋关节,暴露髋关节囊及股骨颈后方,切开关节囊,以 .mm钻头从股骨头颈交界处钻孔,钻入后向股骨头方向继续钻入,达到一定深度后以小刮匙刮除股骨头内0%松质骨,以浸足9%酒精之小纱布块塞入骨隧道内持续 0分钟。        更详细...

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