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make a wish

欲望, 企图, 幻想

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英文: A little star fell down on the ground. “If you make a wish on a falling star, they say it will come true.” They wished to have a child.

中文: 一颗小星星落到地上。“如果对着流星许愿,愿望就会实现。”他们希望有一个孩子。        更详细...
英文: But if I were to make a wish list, it would be great to expand our toolbox to include some better skinning, hair, and rendering tools.

中文: 要是让我列出我的愿望的话,那就是如果我们的工具箱能够加入一些更好的皮肤,毛发以及表现工具的话,那就太棒了。        更详细...
英文: It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.

中文: 据说如果你在看见流星时许个愿,愿望就会实现。        更详细...
英文: We would like to collect your congratulatory messages for this special day so that we will make another memorial book full of lovely messages from his fans all over the world to present to our Seung Heon to make a wish for his good health and honorable di

中文: 我们将收集大家为这个特别日子写下的祝贺语,再次编辑成册,把这些来自世界各地影迷的可爱留言寄给承宪,祈愿他身体健康直至光荣退役.        更详细...
英文: When birthday ancient Chung Yuan students would came here to ring the bell, make a wish for themselves. But the romantic regend turns into kick-out bell”now.

中文: 当生日时,以前中原人都会到这敲敲钟,为自己祝福。而原本浪漫的传说,也变成这是〝二一钟〞的说法。        更详细...

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