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field lines


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英文: As solar fluid circulates, it drags along magnetic field lines and gives up about 10 percent of its kinetic energy to the field.

中文: 太阳内部的流体在循环的时候,拉著磁力线一起前进,大约有10%的动能会损失而变成磁场。        更详细...
英文: As the wind carries this interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) away from the sun, the field lines typically stretch out so that they are directed radially (pointing toward or away from the sun).

中文: 这种行星际磁场(IMF)的磁力线基本上都是往外拉的,也就是径向的(即不是指向,就是背向太阳的方向)。        更详细...
英文: But the magic of a conformal mapping is that the device is guaranteed to operate in identical fashion to the circular version, just with the geometry of all the critical elements (semiconductor, metal, field lines and current flows) transformed by the map

中文: 不过保角映射的神奇之处在于,它能确保这个装置会以和其圆形版本完全相同的方式运作,所有的关键元素(半导体、金属、场线与电流)都会随著保角映射被转换过去。        更详细...
英文: Far below the southern tip of Africa they found a small region where the magnetic field lines point peculiarly toward the center of the earth instead of toward the surface, as do the dominant lines in that region.

中文: 他们发现,在非洲南端的地表深处,有一小块区域,那儿的磁场磁力线罕见地指向地心,而不是如该区域的主磁场磁力线一般地指向地表。        更详细...
英文: Realize the earth has magnetic field lines that loop out into ace from the northern hemi here to the southern hemi here, arching away from the earth and it is those magnetic field lines that organize the solar storms that cause it to create auroras.

中文: 要知道,地球上的磁场线以环形在空间从北半球抛向南半球,呈拱形覆盖于地球上空,而正是这些磁场线对于太阳风暴的作用形成了极光。        更详细...

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