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英文: A key implication of the findings - reported in the US publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - is that children exposed to different languages grow into more tolerant adults than their monolingual mates.

中文: 《美国国家科学院汇刊》报道了这些调查结果的关键之处:通晓多种不同语言的孩子长大成人后比只懂一种语言的同伴更加宽容。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: This article introduces the implication of extensi ve and intensive ecnomic growth and the basic requirement for i ts change.The article also analyses the difficulties in the change of economic g rowth's style and presents some countermeasures f

中文: 文摘:介绍了粗放型和集约型经济增长方式的含义及其转变的基本要求;分析了经济增长方式转变的实际困难和障碍;探讨了解决这些难题的对策.        更详细...
英文: After several decades, ICCS has developed a system of knowledge and some major trends, which have implication for in academic community in Taiwan researching on International Relations.

中文: 历经数十年的研究,国际冲突与危机研究逐渐发展出一门有其知识体系的学科,也生成某些研究趋势,这些研究趋势当对国内的相关研究有所启示。        更详细...
英文: [Abstract]The article recommended the implication and source of Complex Decoction and the theory basement for the treatment of cancer, specific contents and methods, such as reducing toxin and anti-cancer, resolving phlegm and dissipating a mass, promotin

中文: 文章介绍了复法大方的含义与溯源,用于癌肿的理论基础,具体内容与方法(解毒抗癌法、化痰散结法、活血化瘀法、疏理气机法、化湿泄浊法、扶正培本法)等。        更详细...
英文: Abstract Economic growth mechanisms, which the new growth theory bring to light and which is different from the growth mechanisms and policy implication of the traditional theory, bestow new content and form upon the development of open economy.

中文: 新增长理论所揭示的不同于传统理论的经济增长机制及其政策含义为开放型经济的发展赋予了新的内容和形式。        更详细...

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