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put in practice

实施\n【法】 实行

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英文: 2 Nowhere has the great principle of equality been so thoroughly put in practice as in China, and nowhere have such persistent efforts been made to improve the legal status of women.

中文: 世界上没有一个地方比中国把平等这个伟大的原则更彻底地贯彻到实践中去,没有像中国作出如此坚持不懈的努力来提高妇女的法律地位。        更详细...
英文: In order to control pollution emission and protect environment resource effectively, the System of Charge On Pollution Emission (SCOPE) began to put in practice in the late 70's in the last century in our country, by which remarkable effect in the cure of

中文: 为了有效控制排污行为、保护环境资源,我国自上世纪70年代后期开始实施排污收费制度,在环境污染治理上取得了显著的效果。        更详细...
英文: Supervise and urge formulation reasonably put in practice under strict handling procedures.

中文: 督促配方实施严格按照操作控制程序合理有序进行。        更详细...
英文: The administration emergency powers are needed to put in practice and the emergency legal norms should be put into effect to adjust all the kinds of social relationships among the state powers, state powers and citizen's rights, and citizen's rights in or

中文: 摘要在现代法治国家,为防止突发公共事件的巨大冲击力导致整个国家生活与社会秩序的全面失控,需要运用行政紧急权力并实施应急法律规范,来调整紧急情况下的国家权力之间、国家权力与公民权利之间、公民权利之间的各种社会关系,以有效控制和消除危机,恢复正常的社会生活秩序和法律秩序,维护和平衡社会公共利益与公民合法权益。        更详细...
英文: The former Corporation Law can't supervise it effectively, and new Corporation Law, put in practice by Jan. 1. 2006, will strengthen supervision to it.

中文: 我国原公司法对内部人控制监管不力,2006年1月1日实施的新公司法加强了对内部人控制的监管。        更详细...

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