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thermal power

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英文: Abstract: This article retrospects the development of sequence control system in thermal power plants at home and abroad,especially introduces the three developmental stages of sequence control system in China over the past 35 years,i.e.:1.starting stage;

中文: 文摘:回顾国内、外火电厂顺序控制系统的发展,特别介绍35a来我国顺序控制系统经历的起步阶段、以程序控制器(PLC)为核心硬件的中期阶段和主、辅机顺序控制系统融入分散控制系统(DCS)阶段、现场总线控制系统(FCS)介入阶段,并对由不同形式组成的顺序控制系统的特点进行评价,展望下一世纪该系统的发展趋势。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Through analyzing "two basic facts,one striking contradiction" existing in present thermal power mix in China,it is thought that to develop such commercialized and matured electricity generation technology as supercritical pressure uni

中文: 文摘:通过分析目前我国火电结构存在的“两个基本事实,一个突出矛盾”,认为发展超临压力机组这种已商业化的、成熟的发电技术是改善火电结构的有效途径;指出发展超临界压力机组面临着设计、制造和运行等几项技术难点,认为应在掌握新知识和新技术的基础上,努力实现我国发展超临界压力机组的技术跨越。        更详细...
英文: Article 30 Where any newly built or expanded thermal power plants and other large or medium-sized enterprise that discharge sulfur dioxide more than the prescribed standards for pollutants discharge or the quota of total control allow, supporting faciliti

中文: 第三十条新建、扩建排放二氧化硫的火电厂和其他大中型企业,超过规定的污染物排放标准或者总量控制指标的,必须建设配套脱硫、除尘装置或者采取其他控制二氧化硫排放、除尘的措施。        更详细...
英文: At present the company is devoting to the large capacity thermal power unit the new bunker oilthe development and the development, hopefully substitutes the boiler tradition the burning light diesel oil aspect, at present had the power plant to use the ne

中文: 目前公司正致力于大容量火电机组的“新型燃料油”的研制和开发,有望替代锅炉传统的燃烧轻柴油的局面,目前已有电厂在使用我公司研发的新型燃料油,同时正在国内多家电厂做试点。        更详细...
英文: Based on testing and analyzing the relative results of the gear reducers' standard or the problems emerging in Chinese coalmine and the same products in other nations, proposed effect of different thermal radiation on the thermal power of gear reducer, ga

中文: 摘要通过对我国现行减速器行业标准及煤炭行业生产现状与国外同类减速器的对比分析,提出了不同散热方式对减速器热功率的影响,给出了在设计和选用大功率减速器时,针对不同的工况所应采取的有效散热方法,保证减速器热功率的有效提高,最大限度地发挥和使用设计机械功率。        更详细...

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