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*['winәu];vt. 簸, 扬(谷), 吹掉, 把挑出来, 精选;vi. 扬谷, 分出好坏, 飞翔;n. 扬谷,

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*['winәu]\nvt. 簸, 扬(谷), 吹掉, 把挑出来, 精选\nvi. 扬谷, 分出好坏, 飞翔\nn. 扬谷, 扬谷器

英文: I will dispatch foreigners to Babylon that they may winnow her And may devastate her land; For on every side they will be opposed to her In the day of her calamity.

中文: 耶51:2我要打发外邦人来到巴比伦、簸扬他、使他的地空虚.在他遭祸的日子、他们要周围攻击他。        更详细...
英文: I will winnow them with a winnowing fork At the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy My people; They did not repent of their ways.

中文: 耶15:7我在境内各城门口、〔或作我在这地边界的关口〕用簸箕簸了我的百姓、使他们丧掉儿女.我毁灭他们、他们仍不转离所行的道。        更详细...
英文: You will winnow them, and the wind will carry them away, And the storm will scatter them; But you will rejoice in the Lord, You will glory in the Holy One of Israel.

中文: 赛41:16你要把他簸扬风要吹去、旋风要把他刮散.你倒要以耶和华为喜乐、以以色列的圣者为夸耀。        更详细...
英文: After more than 30 years protection, the islet is the cover Taiwan acacia, the beefwood, the black pine and the mountain cuckoo, the myrtle, the tree fern, the awn winnow basket, just like virgin forest.

中文: 经过30多年的保护,如今满岛皆是茂密的相思树、木麻黄、黑松和山杜鹃、桃金娘、树蕨、芒箕,犹如原始森林。        更详细...
英文: And I will send strangers against Babylon, and they will winnow her, And they will empty her land When they come against her from every side In the evil day.

中文: 2我要打发外邦人攻击巴比伦,他们要簸扬她;在灾祸的日子,他们要周围攻击她,使她的地掳掠一空。        更详细...

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