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time deposit

定期存款\n【经】 定期存款

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英文: According to the way of deposit and withdrawal, the time deposit has the following categories: lump-sum deposit &withdrawing, small savings for lump-sum withdrawal, interest withdrawal on a principal deposited, big money saving and small withdrawing time

中文: 按存取方式定期储蓄分为整存整取定期储蓄存款、零存整取定期储蓄存款、存本取息定期储蓄存款、整存零取定期储蓄存款等。        更详细...
英文: Any resident in China with full capacity for civil conduct, holder of undue certificates of time deposit in local or foreign currencies issued by the Bank of China or treasure bonds, may apply for a personal loan pledged by CDs/treasure bonds to the Bank.

中文: 凡具有完全民事行为能力的中国境内居民,持有中国银行开具的未到期本、外币定期储蓄存单者均可向我行申请办理个人存单质押贷款。        更详细...
英文: B: Well.I have a time deposit here, maturing two months later. But I need the money for an emergency.Can I get it out now?

中文: 我有一张定期存单,可是要在两个月后才到期。我有急事要用这笔钱。我能现在取款吗?        更详细...
英文: Bank of China Shenzhen NanXin Road Branch Savings Deposit Account Passbook, A/c No.635840135010207104), and then from that account to this Time Deposit Account Passbook.

中文: 我想表达的是,我妈妈从股票里转出24950和35000,然后分别存入这个两个存折,然后再一起转到现在这个存折。。。。。我这句子能表达清楚吗???        更详细...
英文: Choosing a Foreign Currency Time Deposit gives you the benefit of freely choosing the length of the deposit period and the flexibility of simple and convenient renewal options.

中文: 当您在选择外汇定期存款时,您可以根据您的需要自由选择存款期限及存款到期后的展期方式。        更详细...

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