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electric motor


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英文: According to the actual working condition of the electric motor on ground drive screw pump, two kinds of new motors are proposed, that is the gearshift multi-power single speed motor and speed regulating pole change motor.

中文: 摘要根据地面驱动螺杆泵电动机的实际工况,提出了分挡多功率单速和变极调速2种新的电动机设计方案。        更详细...
英文: After graduate form university , I came to Lianyungang electric motor factory as the mechanic engineer , the mainly work of this period is to work up the drawing and attend the technical transform of non-limited motor .

中文: 1994年8月我应聘到连云港电机厂,实习半年后转为了技术员,在这期间,我主要从事图纸整理并参与了无机变速电极的研制与调试同时负责整流器的改造。        更详细...
英文: All valves are available with hand-wheels, gearing, electric motor actuators or pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder actuators.

中文: 所有阀门都可配置手轮,齿轮操作机构,电动马达执行机构,或者气动或液动缸体执行机构。        更详细...
英文: Automotive engineers pursued the idea of matching an engine and a battery-powered electric motor to achieve greater horsepower and better fuel economy early in the 20th century but abandoned the concept as engines grew ever more potent and thus needed no

中文: 20世纪初,汽车工程师曾提出结合引擎和电池动力马达,以提高马力和降低油耗(提高燃料效率)的想法,但后来由于引擎马力越来越大,不需要辅助推进装置,这个概念也弃而不用。        更详细...
英文: Based on a true example of an accident caused by the power factor, the article discusses its reasons, analyzes the characteristics of the electric motor and power transformer on operation conditions, and the improvement of power factor to ensure the safet

中文: 摘要文章根据一例船舶电网的功率因数的降低导致全船失电事故的实例,论述了无功功率在电气设备运行中的作用及影响,指出提高功率因数的意义和解决的方法以确保电站的安全运行。        更详细...

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