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temperature gradient

【计】 温度梯度\n【化】 温度梯度

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英文: Abstract: It is found through theoretical analysis that,heat-lens effect arises only when the light is birefracted in photorefractive crystals.It is also point out that the lateral anisotropic temperature gradient is only one cause causing the heat-lens e

中文: 文摘:通过对光折变晶体的热透镜效应的理论分析发现,光通过光折变晶体时,只有在晶体发生双折射的前提下,才能发生热透镜效应.并指出,晶体内存在的由热效应引起的横向各向异性温度梯度仅是产生热透镜效应的一个方面,而“光阻”则是产生光折变晶体热透镜效应的另一个原因,从而丰富了光折变效应的内涵.        更详细...
英文: But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is eliminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass.

中文: 然而,一种能更精细控制晶种周围温度梯度的方法,正逐渐去除这种遮掩不了的瑕疵。        更详细...
英文: The results show that temperature gradient on the front edge of solidified shell in combined mold can be reduced and the proportion of equiaxial crystal of billet is more than 80%.

中文: 结果表明:复式结晶器能够降低钢液凝固前沿的温度梯度,从而使铸坯的等轴晶率超过80%。        更详细...
英文: This behavior will be helpful to decrease temperature gradient and to lessen surface thermal stress of concrete structure so as to prevent cracking of a structure.

中文: 上述特性将有助于减小混凝土内部温度梯度,对于防止水工混凝土结构表面裂缝起到良好的作用。        更详细...
英文: This instrument was originally designed for the paint industry (hence name) but now has many other applications outside the paint industry where an accurate temperature gradient plate is required such as foods, cosmetics, confectionery, wrapping papers, a

中文: 本仪器的原型是为涂料工业设计制造,但是,目前也广泛用于涂料工业之外,包括许多需要温度梯度测定的应用行业,比如:食品,化妆品,口香糖;包装纸,胶带等。        更详细...

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