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平滑的, 平稳的, 流畅的, 和蔼的

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*[smu:ð]\na. 平滑的, 平稳的, 流畅的, 和蔼的, 安祥的, 圆滑的, 调匀的, 无毛的\nvt. 使光滑, 烫平, 使平和, 消除\nvi. 变平滑, 变平静\nn. 一块平地, 平滑部分\n【机】 光滑的, 平滑的; 使光滑, 使平滑\n相关词组:\n smooth out\n smooth sth over\n make things smooth for sb\n in smooth water\n have a smooth time\n smooth down

英文: Age 3+) A set of 4 different colors tangram ,which made of soft EVA broad. Size of 8’’X8’’.They are soft,smooth and quiet while playing.

中文: 适合三岁或以上)共四种颜色的大型软垫七巧板,绝对可放心让小朋友可任意拼砌,变化出数之不尽的图案。        更详细...
英文: An inductor whose case has been formed via a molding process,Common molding processes in clu-de injection and transfer molding,Molded inductors typically have well defined body dimensi-ons which consist of smooth surfaces and sharper coners as compared to

中文: 外壳以铸型掉程所成形之电感,通常铸型制程包括射出及转移铸型两种,与其他型式之电感如环氧权脂包覆的电感及伸缩套管之电感比较起来,铸型电感常有很明确的尺寸,平滑的表面及尖锐的边角。        更详细...
英文: An optimal protective measure was found, which is a mend to the standard link by retracing the converse detonator with a great extent and fixing the retraced nonel-tube with the detonator together to make the retraced part of nonel-tube smooth and bear li

中文: 经过分析比较和现场测试,找到最佳的拒爆防护方案,即在标准连接法的基础上加以改进,将逆向连接的传爆雷管折回的幅度增大,并将该打折的导爆管与雷管一起固定在网络的连接点上,使打折部位顺滑而不受力。        更详细...
英文: As to the thing that it is too in English so, it is in fact I it is to can fluent expression one's own thought, smooth exchanging with foreign friend, is full of illusion and hope , the plucking up one's courage of a lot of will be studied well, but unwil

中文: 对于英语也是这样,其实我一直对可以流利的表达自己的思想,顺畅的和外国朋友交流,充满了幻想和憧憬,也多次的鼓起勇气要学好,可是就是不肯下功夫。        更详细...
英文: A:With the smooth establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,China's direct investment toward ASEAN has been increasing a lot.

中文: 随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设的顺利推进,中国对东盟的直接投资大大增加了。        更详细...

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