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*[sfiә];n. 球, 球面, 球体, 天体, 地球仪, 范围;vt. 包围, 使成球体, 放入球内;

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*[sfiә]\nn. 球, 球面, 球体, 天体, 地球仪, 范围\nvt. 包围, 使成球体, 放入球内\n【化】 球罐; 球形油罐; 球体\n【医】 球; 范围, 领域, 界

英文: As I stand here in this atmosphere where the genius of so many of the world's great cinema auteurs still lingers, I am honoured in the extreme and privileged beyond words to welcome the present generation .. who will surely come with a genius of their own

中文: 79岁的老演员波伊提尔在开幕式上说:“在此,我无比荣幸的向新一代电影导演们表示欢迎,虽然世界级老牌导演们的佳作仍占一席之地,但新人们一定能创造出属于自己的辉煌。”        更详细...
英文: Infidelity is the most devastating crisis for a family,said Pittman. It creates an atmosphere of simmering anger, secrets and dishonesty,he says.

中文: 皮特曼说:“对于一个家庭来说,不忠贞是个最具毁灭性的危机。它会让家庭充满怨恨、猜忌和欺骗。”        更详细...
英文: It is like a case of stealing. By adding more carbon to the atmosphere than our fair share, we are taking more than what rightfully belongs to us.

中文: 这和偷东西是同样的道理。如果排放出了比应有份额更多的二氧化碳,我们就逾越了属于我们的权利。        更详细...
英文: It's a happy,vibrant atmosphere,I suppose you could say,and peaceful,which is the way it should be(1)I was really ambivalent about the Games until the last week(2)I'm really enjoying the atmosphere tonight(3.

中文: 我想你可以说这是一种既快乐又令人振奋,再加上一点详和的感觉,而现在的气氛本来就该如此;原本我一直对悉尼市举办奥运感到有些矛盾,直到上个星期才有比较好的感觉;真的很高兴能在今晚沉醉在这种气氛中。        更详细...
英文: Nitrogen: Gaseous chemical element, chemical symbol N, atomic number 7. A colourless, odourless, tasteless gas, it makes up 78% of Earth's atmosphere and is a constituent of all living matter.

中文: 氮:气态化学元素,化学符号N,原子序数7。无色、无臭、无味的气体,占地球大气的78%,也是所有生物体的组成部分。        更详细...

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