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gutta percha


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英文: AIM:To compare the acute reaction and the short term therapeutic effect after root filling in one-off RCT and pulpectomy between Endomethasone permanent root canal sealer plus gutta percha and root filling paste plus gutta percha.

中文: 目的:比较Endom ethasone根管充填糊剂加牙胶尖、传统根管充填剂加牙胶尖在去髓术、根管治疗术一次法根管充填术后的急性反应及近期疗效。        更详细...
英文: Method Apply . % sodium hypochloride as root canal irrigations, isdoform paste or zinc oxide-eugenol cement to fill gutta percha point,adjust the gap between the root canal filling cement and root an apex to 0. mm~mm by a X ray film.

中文: 方法 采用.%次氯酸钠作根管冲洗液,碘仿糊剂或氧化锌丁香油粘固粉糊剂加牙胶尖根充,通过X片调整根充物距根尖约0.~mm。        更详细...
英文: Method CPC and traditional root canal filling paste gutta percha point were used in treament of root canal filling on 0 roots. The cases were followed up for ~ years.

中文: 方法:采用自固化磷酸钙根管充填剂和传统的充填剂分别应用于随机选择的两组做根管治疗的患牙随访观察~年。        更详细...
英文: Methods 90 cases were divided into five groups randomly, group A,B,C and D were experimental groups and Vitapex was used, root canals of the four groups were filled in the folloming ways respectively: group A, once with gutta percha point;

中文: 方法 将 90例慢性根尖周炎随机分为 组 ,A、B、C、D为实验组 ,使用Vitapex糊剂 ,分别用下列方法进行根充 :A组 ,一次法 ,加牙胶尖 ;        更详细...
英文: Results The upshot in treament of CPC group is much lighter than traditional root canal filling paste gutta percha point group.

中文: 果:自固化磷酸钙根管充填剂治疗组的疗效明显优于传统根管充填剂组(P<0.0)。        更详细...

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