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I region

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英文: A military crackdown has been underway in the Dera Bugti region of the province since a December 14th rocket attack on a para-military base as President Musharraf was visiting a nearby town.

中文: 自从去年12月14号穆沙拉夫总统在附近城镇访问时发生对一座准军事营地的火箭攻击后,政府在该省德拉布提地区展开了军事打击。        更详细...
英文: According to the characteristics of lithology and lithofacies, the principle that lithostratic unit group is related to volcano cycle or sedimentary cycle, Jiangnan region can be divided into two groups, Wuyi region can be divided into three groups, Nanli

中文: 根据岩性岩相特征,结合岩石地层单位群与火山旋回或沉积旋回相对应的原则,将江南区划分为两个群,武夷区划分为三个群,南岭区划分为四个群。        更详细...
英文: According to the report of the nature resource and conservation stratagem of Lashihai region in Lijiang county (July 20, 2000). Spescimen could not be collected in our trip.

中文: 我们调查时未采集到该种标本。根据吕正伟等,《丽江县拉市乡南尧西村自然资源和保护战略》,2000年7月20日。        更详细...
英文: Experts say, observation statistics and researches of 13 years show that the frequency of acid rain in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and part of Henan province has increased by over 20% to 50% ever since 2003, with a more noticeable acidification tendency

中文: 专家介绍,13年来的观测数据和研究资料显示,2003年以来,包括北京在内的京津冀地区及河南部分地区的酸雨发生频率增加了20%到50%以上,而北京的雨水酸化趋势更是明显,并出现了强酸雨。        更详细...
英文: However, the greatest thing about Kyoto and the surrounding Kansai region is the people.

中文: 不过,京都与周边关西地区最大的特色还是当地的居民。        更详细...

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