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*[flaunt]\nn. 炫耀, 飘扬\nvt. 炫耀, 飘扬\nvi. 炫耀, 飘扬

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英文: According to the research of Professor Xiao Zhuoji from Beijing University (China Daily 21. 1. 1999: 6), some local governments in China, disregarding actual economic conditions, report artificially high growth rates to save face and flaunt a desired pros

中文: 根据北京大学萧灼基教授的研究(《中国日报》,1999年1月21日,第6版),一些地方政府不顾当地经济实际,为了面子,上报虚假高经济增长率,人为制造一种繁荣景象。        更详细...
英文: But the nanocrystals enabled the pair of researchers to flaunt this type of nano patterning. “Politically in the company maybe it wasn't the smartest demonstration we could have done, but everybody was supportive and could see the power of the technology,

中文: 布莱克说:「就公司内部的政策而言,这也许不是我们所做过最漂亮的展示,不过每个人都很支持这项工作,而且都看得出这个技术的威力。」        更详细...
英文: But the real battle is among corporate sponsors, who have put up more than $1 billion over the past four years to support the event—and now must stay one step ahead of firms that have paid nothing, but still seek to use the games to flaunt their brands.

中文: 但是真正的竞争来自公司赞助商,他们在过去四年将超过十个亿我金钱投在这个新闻上,现在还需要做最后一步来超越那些没有付出什么却又想借这个赛事来宣传他们商标的公司。        更详细...
英文: Candy : Why cover up your body? If you've got it, flaunt it.

中文: 坎蒂:为什么埋没你的好身材?假如你拥有,就炫耀它吧。        更详细...
英文: Evan: They're like little baby toes. It's just not fair that they get to flaunt that stuff, you know... and like, I have to hide every erection I get.

中文: 埃文:它们就像是婴儿的脚趾。她们如此炫耀太不公平了……要知道,我就不得不把我的那里藏起来。        更详细...

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