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*[zәun];n. 地带, 带, 地区;vt. 环绕, 使分成地带;vi. 分成区;

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*[zәun]\nn. 地带, 带, 地区\nvt. 环绕, 使分成地带\nvi. 分成区\n【计】 卡片顶部的三行区; 区; 区域\n【医】 带, 区

英文: 2 The business scope of the Company is: international trade, transit trade, trade activities with other enterprises located in bonded zones and agency business; trade with enterprises outside the Zone through a domestic entity which is authorized to carry

中文: 2公司的经营范围是:国际贸易、转口贸易、与保税区内其他企业的贸易活动以及代理业务;通过与国内获准经营进出口业务的企业与非保税区内企业从事贸易业务;保税区内商业性简单加工,以及保税区内贸易咨询服务。        更详细...
英文: 3 During the term of its operation, the Company shall not reduce the amount of the registered capital except with the approval of the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Administration Committee (“Approval Authority”).

中文: 3经营期限内,除非获得外高桥保税区管理委员会(“审批机构”)的批准,公司不得减少注册资本的数额。        更详细...
英文: 4 At the end of the observation period, competitors shall immediately return to the isolation zone or, in the case of the first few competitors on the starting list, to the call zone as instructed by the judges.

中文: 在观察期间结束时,选手应立即返回隔离区,只有在出场序头几位出场选手依裁判员指示到准备区预备。        更详细...
英文: 4 heating zones on barrel, all with air-cooling. each zone with multiple rows of copper fins for high cooling efficiency, coupled with oversized cooling fans mounted at the rear of the extruder barrel. large wattage on heaters coupled with the efficient c

中文: 机筒上有4个加热区域,都带有空气冷却装置;每个区域含附带大冷却风扇的多排铜叶片可获得高冷却效果,高功率的加热模块同有效的冷却系统相结合可以确保每个区域的快速加热和冷却。        更详细...
英文: (Meanwhile he pointed out that the strong Euro dollars has functioned actively for the price stability in Euro Zone so that the European Central Bank decided to maintain the original exchange rate.

中文: 他同时指出,强势欧元也在一定程度上对欧元区的物价稳定起到积极作用,因此欧洲央行决定维持原先的利率水平。        更详细...

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