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law office

律师事务所\n【法】 律师事务所, 法律顾问处

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英文: According to the different aims of the consigner's cross-country trade and transnational investment and combining with the industry traits and the relevant countries' tax rules and international systems, our law office will seek the proper taxpaying schem

中文: 根据委托人跨境贸易、跨国投资等不同目的,结合委托人的行业特点及相关国家的税收制度和国际税收体制,为委托人寻找税负最轻,风险最低的纳税方案。        更详细...
英文: All the lawyers of the Law office have received the regular education of the legal science; and all the backbone lawyers have acquired the master's degree, held posts in the Legal Affairs Department of China Council for the Promotion of International Trad

中文: 本所全体律师均受过正规的高等法学教育,骨干律师均具有硕士学位、曾在中国贸促会江苏分会法律事务部工作并在原环球事务所南京分所执业,具有扎实的专业知识和丰富的实践经验。        更详细...
英文: Apart from the appointments as legal advisers in the governmental institutions, companies and enterprises, the Law Office mainly deals with the legal consultancy and service in the spheres such as the international trade, international direct investment a

中文: 除受聘担任政府机构、公司、企业的法律顾问外,主要办理国际贸易、境外直接投资和融资、银行贷款和信用证业务、工程承包、房地产开发、国际海上运输、商标和不正当竞争、公司组织等方面的法律咨询服务;在上述方面协助研究、草拟、审定、谈判各类合同、协议、章程及其他法律文件,出具法律意见书;协助调解解决争议;代理诉讼和仲裁。        更详细...
英文: Apart from the business items such as the establishment of companies, regrouping, merging, debt-to-share transition, dissolution, bankruptcy, liquidation, which our office has already unfolded, the Law Office can also provide the corresponding service to

中文: 本所除了业已开展的公司设立、重组、并购、债转股、解散、破产、清算等服务外,还可以在发起、募集设立股份公司、股票、债券的境内外发行、上市、股份制改造、产权交易等涉及上市公司的法律事务为企业、证券公司提供相应的服务。        更详细...
英文: At present, the Law office has 15 full-time lawyers and one part-time lawyer.

中文: 本律师事务所目前有30名专职律师,3名兼职律师。        更详细...

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