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sulfur dioxide

【化】 二氧化硫\n【医】 二氢化硫

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英文: Although the sounds of fart were different, but the smell were consistent definitely, that was sulfur dioxide and barmy radishes.

中文: 虽然放屁的声音各有千秋但气味都是绝对的一致,就是二氧化硫加上一些发酵的坏萝卜味!        更详细...
英文: Among of which, the wet sulfur removal technology is popularized and applied extensively, but the black smoke can not be reduced, unstable factors exist while sulfur dioxide removal is developing, and equipments are eroded.

中文: 其中湿式脱硫除尘技术已得到广泛推广与应用,但该技术中仍存在不能消除黑烟、二氧化硫脱除不稳定因素多、设备腐蚀问题。        更详细...
英文: Article 15 With regard to the regions not meeting the prescribed standards for the quality of atmospheric environment and the acid rain control areas and the sulfur dioxide pollution control areas designated as such with the approval of the State Council,

中文: 第十五条国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对尚未达到规定的大气环境质量标准的区域和国务院批准划定的酸雨控制区、二氧化硫污染控制区,可以划定为主要大气污染物排放总量控制区。        更详细...
英文: Article 30 Where any newly built or expanded thermal power plants and other large or medium-sized enterprise that discharge sulfur dioxide more than the prescribed standards for pollutants discharge or the quota of total control allow, supporting faciliti

中文: 第三十条新建、扩建排放二氧化硫的火电厂和其他大中型企业,超过规定的污染物排放标准或者总量控制指标的,必须建设配套脱硫、除尘装置或者采取其他控制二氧化硫排放、除尘的措施。        更详细...
英文: As to the wheat starch exported from January to April 2005, the statistical analysis of the moisture, ash content, sulfur dioxide etc. have been also drawn a quality control chart.

中文: 对2005年1~4月份间出口的小麦淀粉抽取水分、灰分、二氧化硫等项目的实验室数据进行统计分析,绘制质量控制图。        更详细...

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